Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - School of Business and Economics

Course Catalogue

Actual course catalogue

The course catalogue is online from the beginning of February (for summer semester) and from the beginning of July (for winter semester)

  • AGNES - Lehre und Prüfung online
  • The actual course catalogue with a description of every course (in pdf) can be found here:

    Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät

    of each course of studies

Start and end of the lecture period

Lecture period sommer term 2025:  14.04.2025 - 19.07.2025


18.04. + 21.04. + 01.05. + 08.05. +

29.05. + 09.06.2025

14.05.2025 (dies academicus)

03.06.2025, from 12 noon (dies academicus)

Application period for temporary leave of absence: 15.12.2024 - 15.05.2025 (An application for period for temporary leave of absence is necessary.) See Webpage on leave of absence

Research semester

  • Execution of the approved research semester.
    When planning your studies, please note that in some cases teaching can only be offered to a limited extent during the research semesters of the professors. Please inform yourself about the courses offered in future semesters on the websites of the respective institutes.