Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - School of Business and Economics


Here you wil find all the key information on the projects of the WWG.


  • Student scholarships

    The WWG grants a limited number of travel scholarships to students of the School of Business and Eonomics at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin for study trips to Erasmus-partner universities.

    To apply for a WWG travel allowance (one-off payment of 500 euros for Europe, 800 euros for countries overseas), please send the following documents to Dr. Anja Schwerk:

    - CV and cover letter

    - Transcript of Records

      (confirmed by the Examination Office)

    - Proof of study play abroad.

    The travel grant is paid in two installments. The second installment (20%) will be paid to the students after their return and the preparation of an experience report about the stay abroad (max. 1.5 to 2 pages, continuous text, anonymized).

  • Scholarships for researchers

    The WWG grants a limited number of research scholarships to outstanding young researchers to support their doctoral studies. Researchers are selected as part of the process of admission to the School's doctoral degree programmes.

    Requirements for a travel allowance (max. 500 euros for Europe, max. 600 euros for overseas) for doctoral candidates:

    - active contribution at the conference,

    - CO-funding from the chair of the School of Business and Economics,

    - letter of recommendation from the chair holder (from the School of Business and Economics),

    - cover letter.

    Please send the documents as a single PDF file to Dr. Anja Schwerk.
  • Humboldt Scholarship
    The WWG has been awarding scholarships to students from the School of Business and Economics since 2013. Students can apply for a "Deutschlandstipendium" via the website of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Prospective applicants should consult this central point of Humboldt-Universität to learn more about the application requirements.
  • BSE Scholarship
    These are research scholarships awarded to outstanding young researchers to support their doctoral studies. Researchers are selected as part of the process of admission to the doctoral degress programmes in which the School is involved.
  • Henrike and Dr. Thomas Kurze Prize
    The married couple Henrike and Thomas Kurze endow this WWG award for outstanding academic achievements every semester for the bachelor´s and master´s degree courses in business administration and economics for the best graduates of a given year.

Completed projects


  • Renovation of lecture halls 201 and 202
    The WWG supported the School in its renovation of lecture halls 201 and 202 and was able to provide crucial momentum for initiating construction by raising private funds. We are now very proud of the results. Further infrastructure projects will have to be pursued in the future and we warmly welcome donations.
  • The Chapel of the Holy Spirit
    Restoring the Chapel of the Holy Spirit (Heilig-Geist-Kapelle) was a particular concern of the WWG. We were able to completely restore this medieval gem and begin using it for special occasions in the life of the School with just half of the necessary investment. The generous donations pledged - from Deutsche Bank AG, Cornelsen Kulturstiftung, Klaus and Dr. Pia Krone from the WWG´s circle of members - totalling 4 million DM made the inauguration of the chapel possible in 2005. We warmly welcome donations.
  • Alumni work
    Another priority of the WWG is supporting the School´s alumni work. This includes, in particular, the mentoring programme in which the alumni and WWG members act as mentors for students. Click here to visit the alumni network.

Other projects


  •  Scholarships for refugee students from Ukraine
    The WWG supports refugee students from Ukraine with scholarships. Donation account:

    Berliner Sparkasse
    IBAN DE59 1005 0000 6610 0040 46
    Note “Scholarships for refugees from Ukraine”

  • Integrating foreign students
    The WWG supports initiatives for integrating foreign students organised by the International Office of the School of Business and Economics.
  • Public relations
    The WWG supports the public relations work of the School and initiates events that stimulate the exchange of ideas between economics and business practice.
  • International level
    The WWG supports the School´s public image on an international level. It promotes academic events and exchanges.





The newsletter is published once a year and lists the activities of the WWG. The newsletters from recent years are available to download here:

2019 to 2016

Newsletter no. 37 from May 2019

Newsletter no. 36 from May 2018

Newsletter no. 35 from May 2017

Newsletter no. 34 from May 2016

2015 to 2012

Newsletter no. 33 from May 2015

Newsletter no. 32 from May 2014

Newsletter no. 31 from April 2013

Newsletter no. 30 from May 2012