Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - School of Business and Economics

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | School of Business and Economics | Study | Courses of Study | Interdisciplinary Elective Field for Students of Other Programs and Other Subjects of HU

Interdisciplinary Elective Field for Students of Other Programs and Other Subjects of HU

Modules in the Interdisciplinary Elective Field for Students of Other Programs and Other Subjects of HU

The School of Business and Economics offers modules in the Interdisciplinary Elective Field for students of other programs and other subjects of HU.

Students of the following programs are not able to choose those modules: 

  • Business Education (Economics and Administration)
  • Business Administration as a second subject in a combined bachelor’s course (Business modules are not eligible)
  • Economics as a second subject in a combined bachelor’s course (Economic modules are not eligible)
  • Any program of the School of Business and Economics

Registration at AGNES/ÜWP/Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät is always necessary for the following courses as the number of participants is limited.

A binding registration for the exam in your AGNES-Account is required in due time after the confirmation of your participation request. The deadlines are published in the examination schedule of the School of Business and Economics.

An attendance certificate can be aquired in some courses in the modules of the Interdisciplinary Elective Field. The form for the attendance certificate can be found here. It has to be submitted to the Examination Office of the School of Business and Economics (see form) at the end of the semester. You declare that you attended the course at least 75 % of the time by submitting the attendance certificate. A signature or confirmation from the lecturer is not necessary. 

Please note that the module is only finished after the examination was passed and after the attendance certificate was submitted.

The Credit Points for the module are booked into your account only after the exam was passed. 

Detailed module descriptions for the modules in the Interdisciplinary Elective Field can be found in the Study and Examination Regulations, available at:



Modules in the Interdisciplinary Elective Field  eligible for Module Examination CP
„Financial Accounting and Management Accounting“: Contains the courses "Financial Accounting I" (WS) and "Management Accounting I" (SoSe). The module starts in the winter term. Bachelor, Master
  • Examination "Financial Accounting I" + attendance certificate "Management Accounting I"  or
  • Examination "Management Accounting I" + attendance certificate "Financial Accounting I"
„Marketing and E-Business and Strategy, Organization and Information Technology“: Contains the courses "Marketing and E-Business" (WS) and "Strategy, Organization and Information Technology" (SoSe). The module starts in both the winter or summer term.  Bachelor, Master
  • Examination "Marketing and E-Business" + attendance certificate "Strategy, Organization and Information Technology" or
  • Examination "Strategy, Organization and Information Technology" + attendance certificate "Marketing and E-Business"
„Foundations of Corporate Finance“: Contains the courses "Foundations of Corporate Finance I" (SoSe) and "Foundations of Corporate Finance II" (WS). The module starts in the summer term. Bachelor, Master
  • Attendance certificate "Foundations of Corporate Finance I" + Examination "Foundations of Corporate Finance II". 
"Fiancial Economics for Citizens": Contains the course "Financial Economics for Citizens" (WS). Bachelor, Master
  • Multimedia based exam "Financial Economics for Citizens"

„Topics of Economics" (Bachelor Level): Contains the courses "Introduction to Economics and Economic History" (WS) and one of "Microeconomics I" (WS) and "Macroeconomics I" (WS).

Bachelor, Master
  • Attendance certificate "Introduction to Economics and Economic History" + Examination "Microeconomics I" or
  • Attendance certificate "Introduction to Economics and Economic History" + Examination "Macroeconomics I"
“Financial Accounting and Finance Theory” (English): Contains the courses "Financial Accounting and Analysis" (WS) and "Finance Theory" (WS). Master
  • Examination "Financial Accounting and Analysis" + attendance certificate "Finance Theory" or
  • Examination "Finance Theory" + attendance certificate "Financial Accounting and Analysis"

„Marketing, Organization and Management“ (English): Contains the courses "Marketing Management" (SoSe) and "Organization and Management" (WS).


  • Examination "Marketing Management" + attendance certificate "Organization and Management" or
  • Examination "Organization and Management" + attendance certificate "Marketing Management"
„Economics (Master Level)" (English): Contains the courses "Introduction to Advanced Microeconomic Analysis" (WS) and "Introduction to Advanced Macroeconomic Analysis" (WS). Master
  • Examination "Introduction to Advanced Microeconomic Analysis" + attendance certificate "Introduction to Advanced Macroeconomic Analysis" or
  • Examination "Introduction to Advanced Macroeconomic Analysis" + attendance certificate "Introduction to Advanced Microeconomic Analysis"