Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - School of Business and Economics

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | School of Business and Economics | Study | Courses of Study | Master in Economics and Management Science (M.Sc.), MEMS

Master in Economics and Management Science (M.Sc.), MEMS

Admission is no longer possible for this degree program!
Facts and figures about the programme

Degree: Master of Science (M.Sc.)

Standard period of study: 4 semesters (2 years)

Programme workload: 120 ECTS credit points (CP)

Language of instruction: English

Start of study: Winter semester (October). Overview of semester dates

Semester fee: The semester fee includes the enrollment fee, the contribution to the Student Union and the student transport ticket. More detailed information is available on this homepage.
Programme objectives

The aim of Master in Economics and Management Science (M.Sc.), known as MEMS, is to impart economic knowledge and competencies to students to enable them to work successfully both in professional practice and in the field of research. The specialty of the MEMS program lies in the combination of business and economic content with the simultaneous specialization (major) in a certain subject area of ​​business administration or economics.

The main learning and qualification objectives of the course include:

Quantitative orientation: You will be capable to work with quantitative data, the statistical and econometric method for data analysis and the corresponding software and to derive quantitative statements from models and check the plausibility.

Theoretical foundation: You will think like economists, can understand economic views, understand economic theories and know their limits and differentiate between contradictions. You can test the capability of the hypotheses and their alternatives. You will be able to orientate the global reality better step by step.

Research competence: You will construct your mindset in a research-oriented way and can deal with topics in your thesis scientifically. You will acquire the methodological prerequisites to understand economics as science and, if necessary, to advance your research competence through a doctorate.

Internationality: You will get to know the international research landscape and international partner universities and have an international network through your studies at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

Interests and skills you should have

In addition to the formal entry and admission criteria, we expect you to be interested, first and foremost, in economic and business issues, to enjoy scientific work, good methodological and analytical skills, sufficient IT skills, a very good level of English, self-organization skills, and commitment. und Engagement.

Admission is no longer possible for this degree program.
Structure of the Programme

Core modules (20 CP):
Master's thesis (20 CP)

Catalogue of specialised electives (total 90 CP):
From the catalogue of specialised electives, 70 CP of the highest-graded modules are included in the overall grade. The following areas are to be studied:

Specialised Major (24 CP):
In this area you have the opportunity to specialize in one of the following areas of economics and business, e.g. B. to write your master's thesis or later a doctorate in this area:

  • Macroeconomics
  • Microeconomics
  • Accounting and Finance
  • Quantitative Management Science
  • Quantitative Methods

Cataloug of specialised electives A: Micro- and Macroeconomics (12 CP):
In this area we offer events from central and current areas of economics: Advanced Micro- and Advanced Macroeconomics. Here, the students can specifically supplement their previous education and thus ensure that they have foundational knowledge in the relevant areas of economics. The following elective modules are to be chosen:

  • Introduction to Advanced Microeconomic Analysis (6 CP) or Advanced Microeconomic Theory I (PhD-Level) (6 CP)
  • Introduction to Advanced Macroeconomic Analysis (6 CP) oder Advanced Macroeconomic Analysis I (PhD-Level) (6 CP)

Cataloug of specialised electives B: General Management (12 CP):

In this area we offer events from central and current areas of business administration. You can gain an insight into the core areas of business administration. At least 12 credit points are required from the following elective modules:

  • Marketing Management (6 CP)
  • Financial Accounting and Analysis (6 CP)
  • Grundzüge der Besteuerung (6 CP)
  • Finance Theory (6 CP)
  • Organization and Management (6 CP)
  • Business Analytics and Data Science (6 CP)
  • Economics and Entrepreneurship (6 CP)

Cataloug of specialised electives C: Methodological basics (12 CP):

In the area of ​​methodological basics, you will learn the necessary basic tools to understand theoretical models in the field of economics and to independently carry out data analyse, e.g. in your master's thesis. At least 6 CP are to be chosen from the following modules in the methodological subjects:

  • Econometric Methods (12 CP) or
  • Applied Econometrics (6 CP) + Multivariate Statistical Analysis (6 CP)

Cataloug of specialised electives D: Economics (30 CP):
In addition, 30 CP should be selected from the modules offered by the Faculty of Business and Economics (Economics, Business Administration, Quantitative Methods). You can either deepen your knowledge related to your desired major or gain an insight in other areas of economics. This area is also very suitable for the recognition of modules with an economic content (e.g. from a semester abroad).

Note: If more than 60 CP are completed in the areas of specialization (major) and A to C, area D is reduced accordinly.

Cataloug of interdiciplinary electives (ÜWP, 10 CP - ungraded):

The catalogue of interdisciplinary electives has a workload of 10 CP. It is mandatory and cannot be replaced by selecting further modules offered by the Faculty.

Achievements are recognised without grades. If applicable, grades awarded for courses from the ÜWP are not taken into account in the calculation of the final grade. The following achievements in this catalogue can be recognised:

  • Interdisciplinary elective modules from other Faculties of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (except for the module Basic Knowledge of Civil and Commercial/Corporate Law of the Faculty of Law of the HU zu Berlin)
  • Language courses at the Language Centre (excluding language courses in the mother tongue or official language of the respective home country, all English courses for foreigners under C2 level GER)
  • Career Center cources (excluding introductory courses in economics and law)
  • Interdisciplinary and specialised courses of other universities
  • Interdisciplinary and specialised courses abroad
  • Economics or Business Administration-related internship (10 CP)
  • Portfolio Management Programm (PMP)

Prerequisites for the recognition of an internship:

The internship must be related to economics or Business Administration and last at least 6 consecutive weeks (full time). The definition of "full time" may vary from company to company. In some companies "full time" is also 38 or 39 hours per week. A 12-week internship with half of the regular full-time hours will also be recognised.

In order for the internship to be recognised, you must submit:

  • A certificate of employment (issued by the employer) stating the duration of the internship, the weekly working hours and the tasks involved.
  • An internship report (written by the student) amounting to 2 A4 pages. The internship report should provide a critical reflection on the skills acquired in the programmein relation to the professional experience gained.

The internship can only be recognised if it was completed during the master's degree programme.

Employments contracts for jobs as student assistants in universities or academic research institutes cannot be recognised as internships.

The recognition of internships falls within the purview of the Examination Office of the School of Business and Economics.

Regarding the master's thesis:
The master's thesis marks the conclusion of the programme and is an independent academic undertaking. When writing your thesis, which is completed over a period of 90 days and should amount to about 100,000 - 120,000 characters without spaces (roughly 60 pages of text without appendices), you independently apply the scientific methodological skills you have aquired in order to address a contemporary research problem. While writing your master's thesis, you will receive regular supervision. If applicable, your results are to be presented in a final seminar. The registration documents for the master's thesis are available at the Examination Office. Students are admitted to the master's thesis if the requirements set by the examiner (in German) are met.

Procedure: You collect the registration documents from the Examination Office. The topic to be covered as well as the date the topic was assigned by the examiner must be included on the registration form, which in turn must be signed. This registration form must then be submitted immediately to the Examination Office. You will then receive written confirmation of the registration as well as information about all related deadlines.

Information and formal suggestions are available in the "Guidelines for students on scientific work". Please also adhere to any specifications from your examiner.

Related links:

Continued Study

Any questions? Send an Email an mems(at) or drop in during the consultation hours of MEMS-Office or the course advisor MEMS: For consultation hours and further information see here.