Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - School of Business and Economics

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | School of Business and Economics | Study | Courses of Study | BA Business Administration 2nd Subject (Combination)

Business Administration as a second subject in a combined bachelor’s course

The bachelor’s course with a subject combination (combined bachelor) consists of a core subject and a second subject. The degree programme can be taken only with the complete set of two subjects.

Business Administration as a second subject covers a total of 60 credit points.

Structure of Business Administration as a second subject in a combined bachelor 
Study and examination regulations 2016 (Amtliches Mitteilungsblatt 45/2016):


36 credit points are acquired from compulsory courses. This covers the following teaching sessions:

Teaching session

Credit points

Recommended semester

Financial Accounting I


1st semester

Mathematics I


1st semester

Stragegy, Organisation and Information Technology


2nd or 4th semester

Statistics I


2nd semester

Marketing and E-Business


3rd semester

Foundations of Corporate Finance I


2nd or 4th semester

24 credit points from the highest graded courses of the 36 credit points from compulsory courses are relevant for the final grade.

The remaining 24 credit points are acquired from the following Business Administration modules and topics:

  • Management Accounting I (6 credit points)
  • Foundations of Corporate Finance II (6 credit points)

Areas of business administration:

  • Taxation and Tax Management Studies
  • Accounting/Controlling
  • Finance/Financial Economics
  • Marketing
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Management
  • Information Systems

12 out of the 24 credit points can be aquired in a semester abroad. The prerequisite is that these are graded courses in the field of business administration at a university.


Illustration of the second subject Business Administration.

Link to the study and examination regulations for the second subject Business Administration.

Detailed information on registering for examinations and the examination schedule (with registration and withdrawal deadlines) as well as on the recognition of examination achievements can be found on the website of the Examinations Office.