Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - School of Business and Economics

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | School of Business and Economics | News | Archive | 2018 | Roland Strausz and Fabio Antoniou received the EAERE Award for Outstanding Publication in the Journal Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE)

Roland Strausz and Fabio Antoniou received the EAERE Award for Outstanding Publication in the Journal Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE)

Roland Strausz and Fabio Antoniou have been awarded with the EAERE Award 2018 for Outstanding Publication in the Journal Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) for their publication on Feed-in Subsidies, Taxation, and Inefficient Entry.

On June 28, 2018, our School's members Roland Strausz and Fabio Antoniou (also University of Ioannina) have been awarded with the EAERE Award 2018 for Outstanding Publication in the Journal Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) for their publication on Feed-in Subsidies, Taxation, and Inefficient Entry (Environmental and Resource Economics, August 2017, Volume 67, Issue 4, pp 925–940, DOI: 10.1007/s10640-016-0012-8).

The EAERE Award for Outstanding Publication in the Journal Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE), recognizes exemplary research published in ERE during the past year. The Award is given annually and announced at the EAERE Annual Conference.

Roland Strausz and Fabio Antoniou will donate the awarded cash amount of EUR 750 to the Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft to support travel funding for doctoral students of the School of Business and Economics.