Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - School of Business and Economics

Course Selection

 What courses are exchange students allowed to take during their exchange period?🖉

Courses at our Faculty are structured in the following way: there are two undergraduate programs and six master programs from which you can pick courses. You can find a detailed list of all the study programs and courses in our course catalogue. (Rough orientation guide).


Courses are organized around three areas: the core courses or the compulsory courses, the electives and the interdisciplinary courses. Because of the nature of the course structure our students will share many courses regardless of their major, minor or specializations.


Exchange students are allowed to take any courses that match both their personal interest and academic requirements. In other words, you're free to take core courses and electives as long as you meet the requirements for each class. Please make sure that you understand and meet those requirements. For this reason, we highly recommend you to get in touch with us beforehand. Also, you might want to present a preliminary selection of courses at an early stage of your application.

You will find information and instructions about the language requirements and academic requirements for each class in our course catalogue.

Most of the courses are worth 6 ECTS credit points according to the European Credit Transfer System.

You can also choose courses from the Berlin Perspectives Programm (please register in time at Agnes)! Berlin Perspectives offers interdisciplinary seminars for international students who spend one or two semesters at Humboldt-Universität through an exchange program (Erasmus or other university partnerships). Please take also look at the Humboldt International Campus.

 How can I look up for courses?🖉

You have free access to the course catalogue (online platform "Agnes"); no password is needed. You can also narrow down your search while using keywords or filters. You can also download a brochure for each study programme. Please mind that the catalogue for the winter semester will be available in September, the catalogue of the spring Semester will be available in March. You may also contact the course and academic coordinators, they will help you get a better insight into the various subjects and courses.

How can I transfer credits after I have finished my exchange semester? 🖉

At the end of your exchange period the examination office of a faculty will issue transcript of records for you. The document entails all the courses you have followed during your exchange semester and your grades. The examination office will send your transcript to your address. Eventually you need your transcript in order to transfer the credits after you have come back from your exchange semester.

How do I register for courses and exams?🖉

There is no registration for lectures or tutorials in our Faculty. At the very beginning of the semester you will attend all courses and introduction classes that you're interested in taking. Then, you will have 3 weeks to make up your mind. On the other hand you do have to register for the exams of the courses you want to take. This will happen 6 weeks after you've started the teaching period.

Course registration - exceptions:

Seminars are a notable exception because they can only host a very limited number of students. For this reason, you will need to apply for seminars some weeks before the start of the lecture period. In most cases you only need to send an email to the teaching professors. Please bear in mind that in other faculties there may be different procedures and application deadlines.

Can I also take courses in other faculties and institutes? 🖉

In principle you are not allowed to take courses in other faculties. Please address your requests Ms. Anja Schwerk (Head of Studies and International Affairs at the School of Business and Economics) who will contact the respective administrative and academic coordinators in other faculties on your behalf. Email address: Anja Schwerk <>

Important: those restrictions do not apply for the language center, the Welcome Centre, the career center or the international campus.

 What courses in English are available for bachelor (undergraduate) students?

List of courses in English for bachelor students: Summer semster 2024

                                                                 Winter semester 2024/25