Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - School of Business and Economics

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | School of Business and Economics | Academic Career | Doctoral studies | Completing the doctoral studies | Completing the doctoral studies according to doctoral degree regulations from October 1, 2024

Completing the doctoral studies according to doctoral degree regulations from October 1, 2024

This page provides information about the steps necessary to complete your doctoral studies accurding to the doctoral degree regulations from October 1, 2024.

Before submitting your dissertation, please check the doctoral degree regulations of the School of Business and Economics (01.10.2024) for the necessary administrative steps to complete your doctorate.

Please follow the steps below to initiate the doctoral examination.

All necessary forms and templates are available under the following link: Download link (HU-BOX)

Step 1: Initiation of the doctoral examination

Once you have completed your doctoral thesis, submit your application for the initiation of the doctoral examination to the Graduate Office of the School of Business and Economics.

Required documents
  • [06-F01] application for initiation of the doctoral examination incl. proposal for the composition of the Doctoral Degree Committee

  • Doctoral thesis as a printed copy and in electronic form (pdf file). Please include the following in your thesis:
    • [07-M01] statements on independence and resources and, if applicable, on the cumulative dissertation
    • [07-M02] title page
  • summary of the doctoral thesis in German and English (max. 1 page)
  • up-to-date CV
  • current enrolment or registration document (Please note that you must be enrolled or registered as a doctoral candidate until the day of the disputation.)

  • Have requirements been imposed on admission to the doctoral studies? If yes, proof of fulfillment required.

  • Is a cumulative dissertation being submitted and have the relevant regulations been deviated from? If yes, additional justification required.

  • Is the doctorate part of a structured doctoral programme? If yes, proof of successful completion of the programme curriculum required.

Application procedure
  1. Please contact the Graduate Office around 3 months before the planned submission of the application to initiate the doctoral examination. In this way, it can be clarified at an early stage whether all requirements are met or whether (e.g. in the case of external reviewers) the Doctoral Degree Board may need to be involved.
  2. As soon as your dissertation is ready to be printed, please fill out the application form COMPLETELY and compile ALL the required documents. (Only complete applications will be processed!)
  3. Please contact the Graduate Office by e-mail. You will then receive an HU-Box link. Please upload your digital dissertation and all required documents. (Format: static pdf files, no editable form fields). Afterwards please inform the Graduate Office. After reviewing the documents, you will receive feedback on the reviewing result from the Graduate Office.
  4. Please then submit the printed copy of the dissertation to the Graduate Office within 10 days. Upon receipt, you will receive a written confirmation that the doctoral examination procedure has been opened.

Preparation the reviewer reports

After the doctoral examination procedure has been initiated, the reviewers are instructed to prepare their reviews within 4 months.

Once all reviewer reports have been received, the 14-day display period begins. We will inform you of the start and end of the display period by e-mail.


Step 2: Colloquium

Once the display period has begun, you can start preparing for your thesis defence. The following steps are necessary to do so:

  1. Please first come to an agreement with your supervisor regarding the composition of the Doctoral Degree Committee as well as a date for your thesis defence. Please notice our Information on videoconferences, too.
  2. Room 112 in Spandauer Str. 1 is usually available for the doctoral colloquium (suitable for video conferencing). In justified cases, an exception is possible.
  3. Send the completed form Information on the doctoral degree exam with the detailed information about the colloquium and the proposed the Doctoral Degree Committee by email to the Graduate Office not later than 14 days before the thesis defence.
  4. The Dean then appoints the Doctoral Degree Committee, and the Graduate Office issues an official invitation to the members of the committee as well as to the doctoral candidate. Please confirm the receipt of the invitation by email to the Graduate Office.
  5. In preparation for your thesis defence, you are required to prepare a position paper. The position paper has no formal requirements. Please agree upon the scope and content with your supervisor. Please send your position paper by email to the members of the Committee and the Graduate Office not later than 10 days before the thesis defence.


Interim certificate

Once the thesis defence has been passed, the Graduate Office will issue you an interim certificate. Please make sure all the information on the certificate is correct.

Please note that you will only be entitled to bear the title of "Doctor" once you have received your final doctoral degree certificate.


Step 3: Publication and conferment of the doctoral degree

Once you have passed your thesis defence, you are required to publish your thesis within twelve month. To do this, please contact the University Publications Office of the University Library of Humboldt-Universität or another suitable publisher.

If you intend to publish online using the University's edoc server, please also clarify the technical details with the relevant department of the University Publications Office. Please see also the supplementary decision to the doctoral degree regulations.

Please provide the Graduate Office with the publisher's confirmation or the certificate from the University Publications Office of the University Library regarding the submission of the deposit copies.


Doctoral degree certificate

Once confirmation of publication has been received by the Graduate Office, the doctoral degree certificate will be issued. This usually takes four weeks to process.

Upon receipt of the doctoral degree certificate, you are authorised to use the doctoral degree.