Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - School of Business and Economics

Ethics Committee

Research projects may involve risks that raise ethical questions. In accordance with Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin's statutes on safeguarding good scientific practice and dealing with allegations of scientific misconduct, researchers at the School of Business and Economics obtain an ethics approval for research projects involving significant risks and present it at relevant bodies. Prior to and during the conduct of a research project, they seek advice if there is a change in their assessment of the significant risks of the research project.

The Faculty Committee of the School of Business and Economics appoints an Ethics Committee to review ethical issues related to the risks of research projects.

Statutes and application

Statutes of the Ethics Committee of the School of Business and Economics (in German)

Detailed information and forms for submitting applications will be made available here in due time. Applications that should be submitted at an earlier time must contain detailed information on the following points of the research project to be reviewed:

  1. participants in the research project,
  2. nature, content, objectives and duration of the research project,
  3. type and manner of scientific procedures/methodology,
  4. participants of experiments,
  5. information on possible risks,
  6. possible conflicts of interest,
  7. handling of data collected and otherwise generated.


Applications are to be submitted by email to ethikkommission.wiwi(at)



Term of office from 02/2023 to 03/2024


Prof. Dr. Dirk Engelmann (chair)
Prof. Dr. Joachim Gassen
Prof. Dr. Christian D. Schade (deputy chair)

Substitudes: Prof. Dr. Anja Schöttner, Prof. Georg Weizsäcker, PhD

Academic staff:

Rongrong Fu

Substitude: Simone Euler


Katharina Baumgardt

Substitude: Mike Johannes

Staff in service, technology, administration:

Julia Baumann

Substitude: Dr. Christian Reiter