Economic Theory II
Professor Michael C. Burda, PhD
Spandauer Straße 1
D-10178 Berlin
Office: Room 127a
Tel: +49 30 2093 99562
Fax: +49 30 2093 99561
No office hours until mid April.
At the Institute of Economic Theory II, we apply economic theory to current issues in macroeconomics, labor markets and European integration. This page directs you to more information regarding our work, teaching and research. For contact information as well as information on current employment opportunities, please consult the link team.
The Institute for Economic Theory II has written a general guideline for the digital courses in the winter term 2020/21. Further information can be found on the Moodle pages of the courses:
The traditional Nobel Prize Lecture of Prof. Burda and Prof. Kalkuhl is now available on Youtube.
Burda on Youtube
We filmed some of the lectures in the last semesters. Since we do like them and want them to be seen, we uploaded them on our Youtube channel.
Seminar Paper and Thesis
Guidelines for writing a seminar paper or thesis at the Institute for Economic Theory II and NEW related information from the Examination Office can be found here.
Almosova, A., Burda, M. C.,Voigts, S. (2020) "Social Security Contributions and the Business Cycle", Journal of Macroeconomics, Vol 65
Burda M., (2020) "30 Jahre deutsche Einheit: Wie steht es wirklich?", Wirtschaftsdienst 100, 390–391
Burda, M.C. & S. Seele (2020) "Reevaluating the German labor market miracle", German Economic Review 21 (2), 139–179
Burda M., D. Hamermesh & K. Genadek (2019) “Racial/Ethnic Differences in Non-Work at Work”, Industrial and Labor Relations Review
Burda M., D. Hamermesh & K. Genadek (2019) “Unemployment and Effort at Work”, Economica
Maren Brede & Christian Henn (2019) "Finland’s public sector balance sheet, Baltic Journal of Economics", 19:1, 176-194
Burda, M.C. (2018) "Convergence of the German Bundesländer: Lessons for the EU"
Burda, M.C. & S. Seele (2017) "Das deutsche Arbeitsmarktwunder: Eine Bilanz", in Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, 18(3), 179-204 (2017), [Data available here]
Burda, M.C. and Severgnini, Battista (2017) "Total factor productivity convergence in German states since reunification: Evidence and explanations"
Almosova, A., Burda, M. C.,Voigts, S. (2017) "Social Security Contributions and the Business Cycle" [Data available here]
Burda, M. C.,, Weder, M. (2017) “The Economics of German Unification after Twenty-five Years: Lessons for Korea” SFB Discussion Paper 2017-009
Burda, M. C., Hammermesh, D., Genadek, K. (2017) “Racial/Ethnic Differences in Non-Work at Work” NBER Working Paper w23096
Albertini, J., Hairauld, J.O. (2016), "Aggregate Employment, Job Polarization and Inequalities: A Transatlantic Perspective.", Sonderforschungsbereich 649, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany.
Further publications as well as discussion and working paper under "research".