Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Emmy Noether Research Group

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | School of Business and Economics | Emmy Noether Research Group | News | Invited Session proposal "Recent Advances in Variational Inference Methods" will be part of the upcoming 16th World Meeting of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis

Invited Session proposal "Recent Advances in Variational Inference Methods" will be part of the upcoming 16th World Meeting of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis

The session proposal "Recent Advances in Variational Inference Methods" organized by Prof. Dr. Nadja Klein, has been accepted and will be included in the Program of the upcoming 16th World Meeting of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis. The speakers will be Prof. David Nott and Dr. Linda Tan (National University of Singapore) as well as Prof. Michael Stanley Smith (Melbourne Business School). Discussant: Prof. Catherine Forbes (Monash University).