Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - School of Business and Economics

Maren Hahnen


Room: 116
Spandauer Straße 1
10178 Berlin

Phone: 030 2093 99547
Fax: 030 2093
E-Mail: 📧
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 Maren Hahnen  Maren Hahnen

Curriculum Vitae

since 2020 Research associate and teaching assistant in the Microeconomics Research Group, HU Berlin
since 2018 PhD student, Berlin School of Economics (BSoE)
2017-2018 Economic Analyst, Oxera Consulting
2016-2017 Research Assistant, MCC Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change
2013-2016 M.Sc. Economics, HU Berlin
2010-2013 B.Sc. Economics, HU Berlin
Download CV

Research Interests

(Applied) Microeconomic Theory in the fields of (Behavioral) Industrial Organization, Mechanism Design and Market Design
