Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - School of Business and Economics

Master Information Systems


Title M.Sc. Witschaftsinformatik (M.Sc. Information Systems)
Program start Summer terms and Winter terms
Standard period of study 4 semesters
ECTS-credits 120 ECTS
Language English and German


Further information on the curriculum of the Master of Science in Information Systems can be found here.

Application Further information on application and admission requirements can be found here.

A summary of all important topics for the Master of Science in Information Systems can be found here.

The graduate program of Information Systems is offered by the Institute of Information Systems (Department of Economics) and the Institute for Computer Science (Mathematics and Natural Sciences II) of the Humboldt University since the winter term 2004/2005. The acquired degree is "Master of Science"  (M.Sc.) in Information Systems.

The program is modular. Courses will be held both in English and German - therefore it is mandatory to have specific proven language skills in both areas (English C1, German B1).

It consists of advanced modules from the area of computer science and economics as well as a master thesis. The standard period of study is four semesters. Main topics include i.a. design and implementation of database systems and Data Science.


Recognition of courses from exchange studies

Information on how to properly get credits for courses completed in exchange semesters can be obtained here


Anna-Lena Bujarek: bujarek[at]