Operational decision-making process is in the focus of the department’s research orientation. Decisions are made daily and at every level of a company. The quality of these decisions are of pivotal importance for the economic success or failure and ensure the organization’s long-term survival.
IT-solutions support the decision making in a variety of ways. They provide relevant information and formal planning models for executives that help to compare and systematically evaluate alternative courses of action. The forms of digital decision making analysis and support build the framework of our scientific activity. The research program of the department is focused on the technologies for storage, processing and analysis of big data. Methodological research concerns e.g. the design of new algorithms to forecast future trends derived from historical data (forecasting, predictive modelling). From a professional point of view, specific planning task in the area of marketing and finance are considered. All research activities are based on problems relevant for practice and develop solutions applying empiric-quantitative methods. The following figure clarifies our research profile.