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Müller-Navarra, Moritz, Stefan Lessmann, and Stefan Voß. 2015. "Sales Forecasting with Partial Recurrent Neural Networks: Empirical Insights and Benchmarking Results." Proc. of the 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'48), Kauai, Hawaii, USA.
Lessmann, Stefan, Bart Baesens, Hsin-Vonn Seow, and Lyn C Thomas. 2015. "Benchmarking state-of-the-art classification algorithms for credit scoring: An update of research." European Journal of Operational Research.
Fabian, Benjamin, Tatiana Ermakova, and Philipp Junghanns. 2015. "Collaborative and secure sharing of healthcare data in multi-clouds." Information Systems 48:132-150.
Fabian, Benjamin, Benedict Bender, and Lars Weimann. 2015. "E-Mail Tracking in Online Marketing–Methods, Detection, and Usage." Proceedings of the 12. International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2015).
Ermakova, Tatiana, Benjamin Fabian, and Eleonora Babina. 2015. "Readability of Privacy Policies of Healthcare Websites." International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, Osnabrück, Germany.
Baumann, Annika, Stefan Lessmann, Kristof Coussement, and Koen W. De Bock. 2015. "Maximize what matters: Predicting customer churn with decision-centric ensemble selection." Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS'15), Münster, Germany, May 26-29.
Annika Baumann, Hanna Krasnova, Natasha Veltri and Yunsi Ye. 2015. "Men, Women, Microblogging: Where Do We Stand?" 12. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik Osnabrück, Germany.
Natasha Veltri, Hanna Krasnova, Annika Baumann and Neena Kalayamthanam. 2014. "Gender Differences in Online Gaming: A Literature Review." Twentieth Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2014), Savannah, USA.
Hermann, Steffen, and Benjamin Fabian. 2014. "A Comparison of Internet Protocol (IPv6) Security Guidelines." Future Internet 6 (1):1-60. doi: 10.3390/fi6010001.
Fabian, Benjamin, and Tobias Feldhaus. 2014. "Privacy-preserving data infrastructure for smart home appliances based on the Octopus DHT." Computers in Industry 65 (8):1147-1160. doi: 10.1016/j.compind.2014.07.001.
Fabian, Annika Baumann and Benjamin. 2014. "How Robust is the Internet? – Insights from Graph Analysis." Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems (CRiSIS 2014), Trento, Italy.
Ermakova, Tatiana, Benjamin Fabian, and Rüdiger Zarnekow. 2014. "Acceptance of Health Clouds - a Privacy Calculus Perspective." 22th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2014), Tel Aviv, Israel.
Ermakova, Tatiana, Annika Baumann, Benjamin Fabian, and Hanna Krasnova. 2014. "Privacy Policies and Users’ Trust: Does Readability Matter?" Twentieth Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2014), Savannah, USA.
Baumann, Annika, Benjamin Fabian, and Matthias Lischke. 2014. "Exploring the Bitcoin Network." WebDB’04: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies.
Baumann, Annika, and Benjamin Fabian. 2014. "Who Runs the Internet? - Classifying Autonomous Systems into Industries." 10th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2014), Barcelona, Spain.
Lessmann, Stefan, Hsin-Vonn Seow, Bart Baesens, and Lyn C. Thomas. 2013. "Benchmarking State-of-the-Art Classification Algorithms for Credit Scoring: A Ten Year Update " Credit Scoring and Credit Control XIII, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
Lessmann, Stefan. 2013. "Modelling Mismatch in Predictive Analytics." Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS'2013), Utrecht, Niederlande.
Lessmann, Stefan. 2013. "Data Pre-Processing in Database Marketing: Tasks, Techniques, and Why They Matter." In Advanced Database Marketing: Innovative Methodologies & Applications for Managing Customer Relationships, edited by Kristof Coussement, Koen W. De Bock and Scott A. Neslin. London. Erscheint 2013: Gower Publishing.
Lessmann, Stefan. 2013. Resale Price Prediction in the Used Car Market. Hamburg: Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Universität Hamburg.
Fabian, Benjamin, Steffen Kunz, Sebastian Müller, and Oliver Günther. 2013. "Secure federation of semantic information services." Decision Support Systems 55 (1):385-398.
Ermakova, Tatiana, Benjamin Fabian, and Rüdiger Zarnekow. 2013. "Security and Privacy System Requirements for Adopting Cloud Computing in Healthcare Data Sharing Scenarios." 19th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2013), Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Ermakova, Tatiana, and Benjamin Fabian. 2013. "Secret sharing for health data in multi-provider clouds." Business Informatics (CBI), 2013 IEEE 15th Conference on.
Dejaeger, Karel, Stefan Lessmann, Martin J. Shepperd, and Bart Baesens. 2013. "Benchmarking classification models for software defect prediction: Revisiting earlier results." IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.
Brandner, Hubertus, Stefan Lessmann, and Stefan Voß. 2013. "A memetic approach to construct transductive discrete support vector machines." European Journal of Operational Research 230 (3):581-595. doi: (doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2013.05.010).
Baumann, Annika, and Benjamin Fabian. 2013. "Towards measuring the geographic and political resilience of the internet." International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations 13 (4):365-384.
Verbraken, Thomas, Stefan Lessmann, and Bart Baesens. 2012. "Toward Profit-Driven Churn Modeling with Predictive Marketing Analytics." Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on e-Business (WEB'2012), Orlando, FL, USA.
Sung, Ming-Chien, and Stefan Lessmann. 2012. "Save the best for last? The treatment of dominant predictors in financial forecasting." Expert Systems with Applications 39 (15):11898-11910. doi: 10.1016/j.eswa.2012.02.091.
Müller, Sebastian, Franziska Brecht, Benjamin Fabian, Steffen Kunz, and Dominik Kunze. 2012. "Distributed performance measurement and usability assessment of the tor anonymization network." Future Internet 4 (2):488-513.
Martin, Nicole, and Stefan Lessmann. 2012. Bewertung und Auswahl von Scorecards im Kreditwesen: Eine Analyse zur Eignung von Kosten-Kurven. Hamburg: Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Universität Hamburg.
Lessmann, Stefan, Ming Chien Sung, Johnnie EV Johnson, and Tiejun Ma. 2012. "A new methodology for generating and combining statistical forecasting models to enhance competitive event prediction." European Journal of Operational Research 218 (1):163-174.
Lessmann, Stefan. 2012. "Verbundprognosen als Instrument zur Entscheidungsunterstützung: Eine Analyse von Ensemble-Selektion für die Kreditwürdigkeitsprüfung." In Wirtschaftsinformatik, Entscheidungstheorie und –praxis, edited by Martin Josef Geiger, Jutta Geldermann and Stefan Voß, 193-223. Aachen: Shaker Verlag.
Fabian, Benjamin, Steffen Kunz, Marcel Konnegen, Sebastian Müller, and Oliver Günther. 2012. "Access control for semantic data federations in industrial product-lifecycle management." Computers in Industry 63 (9):930-940. doi: 10.1016/j.compind.2012.08.015.
Fabian, Benjamin, Tatiana Ermakova, and Cristian Müller. 2012. "SHARDIS: A privacy-enhanced discovery service for RFID-based product information." Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on 8 (3):707-718.
Fabian, Benjamin. 2012. Schlussbericht der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin im Verbundprojekt Aletheia.
Brecht, Franziska, Benjamin Fabian, Steffen Kunz, and Sebastian Müller. 2012. "Communication Anonymizers: Personality, Internet Privacy Literacy and their Influence on Technology Acceptance." ECIS.
Loos, Peter, Jens Lechtenbörger, Gottfried Vossen, Alexander Zeier, Jens Krüger, Jürgen Müller, Wolfgang Lehner, Donald Kossmann, Benjamin Fabian, Oliver Günther, and Robert Winter. 2011. "In-memory Databases in Business Information Systems." Business & Information Systems Engineering 3 (6):389-395. doi: 10.1007/s12599-011-0188-y.
Lessmann, Stefan, Ming-Chien Sung, and Johnnie E. V. Johnson. 2011. "Towards a methodology for measuring the true degree of efficiency in a speculative market." Journal of the Operational Research Society 62:2120-2132. doi: 10.1057/jors.2010.192.
Lessmann, Stefan, Marco Caserta, and Idel Montalve Arango. 2011. "Tuning metaheuristics: A data mining based approach for particle swarm optimization." Expert Systems with Applications 38 (10):12826-12838.
Kunz, Steffen, Benjamin Fabian, Holger Ziekow, and Dirk Bade. 2011. "From Smart Objects to Smarter Workflows--An Architectural Approach." Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference Workshops (EDOCW), 2011 15th IEEE International.
Kunz, Steffen, Benjamin Fabian, Daniel Marx, and Severina Müller. 2011. "Engineering policies for secure interorganizational information flow." Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference Workshops (EDOCW), 2011 15th IEEE International.
Franziska Brecht, Kerstin Schäfer, Annika Baumann and Oliver Günther. 2011. "Shopping Online – Determining Consumer Acceptance of Online Shops " Proceedings of the 17th Americas Conference on Information Systems
Brecht, Franziska, Benjamin Fabian, Steffen Kunz, and Sebastian Mueller. 2011. "Are you willing to wait longer for internet privacy?" ECIS.
Brandner, Hubertus, Stefan Lessmann, and Stefan Voß. 2011. "Support of Managerial Decision Making by Transductive Learning." Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI'2011), Zürich, Schweiz.
Benjamin Fabian, Steffen Kunz. 2011. Integrierte prototypische Umsetzung der Sicherheit. In BMBF Aletheia Deliverable D.G7.9 & D.G7.10, Technical Report.
Ziekow, Holger, Benjamin Fabian, Cristian Müller, and Oliver Günther. 2010. "RFID in the Cloud: A Service for High-Speed Data Access in Distributed Value Chains." AMCIS.
Steffen Kunz, Benjamin Fabian. 2010. Anforderungsanalyse für Role-Based Access Control. In BMBF Aletheia Deliverable D.G7.6, Technical Report.
Sebastian Müller, Marcus Janke, Benjamin Fabian, Steffen Kunz. 2010. "Anonymisierung semantischer Daten " Statistische Woche, Nürnberg.
Sebastian Müller, Benjamin Fabian, Steffen Kunz. 2010. Prototypische Umsetzung der Sicherheit. In BMBF Aletheia Deliverable D.G7.7 & D.G7.8, Technical Report.
Lessmann, Stefan, and Stefan Voß. 2010. "Unterstützung kundenbezogener Entscheidungsprobleme: Eine Analyse zum Potenzial moderner Klassifikationsverfahren." Wirtschaftsinformatik 52 (2):79-93.
Lessmann, Stefan, and Stefan Voß. 2010. "Customer-centric decision support: A benchmarking study of novel versus established classification models." Business & Information Systems Engineering 2 (2):79-93.
Lessmann, S., Ming-Chien Sung, and Johnnie E. V. Johnson. 2010. "Alternative methods of predicting competitive events: An application in horserace betting markets." International Journal of Forecasting 26 (3):518-536. doi: 10.1016/j.ijforecast.2009.12.013.
Lessmann, Stefan, Mariana Listiani, and Stefan Voß. 2010. "Decision Support in Car Leasing: A Forecasting Model for Residual Value Estimation." Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS'2010), Saint Louis, MO, USA.
Kunz, Steffen, Sergei Evdokimov, Benjamin Fabian, Bernd Stieger, and Mark Strembeck. 2010. "Role-Based Access Control for Information Federations in the Industrial Service Sector." ECIS.
Kunz, Steffen, Franziska Brecht, Benjamin Fabian, Markus Aleksy, and Matthias Wauer. 2010. "Aletheia--Improving Industrial Service Lifecycle Management by Semantic Data Federations." Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA), 2010 24th IEEE International Conference on.
Fabian, Benjamin, Seda F. Gürses, Maritta Heisel, Thomas Santen, and Holger Schmidt. 2010. "A comparison of security requirements engineering methods." Requir. Eng. 15 (1):7-40. doi: 10.1007/s00766-009-0092-x.
Fabian, Benjamin, Florian Goertz, Steffen Kunz, Sebastian Müller, and Mathias Nitzsche. 2010. "Privately waiting–a usability analysis of the tor anonymity network." In Sustainable e-Business Management, 63-75. Springer.
Evdokimov, Sergei, Benjamin Fabian, Steffen Kunz, and Nina Schoenemann. 2010. "Comparison of discovery service architectures for the internet of things." Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and Trustworthy Computing (SUTC), 2010 IEEE International Conference on.
Evdokimov, Sergei, Benjamin Fabian, Oliver Günther, Lenka Ivantysynova, and Holger Ziekow. 2010. "RFID and the Internet of Things: Technology, Applications, and Security Challenges." Foundations and Trends in Technology, Information and Operations Management 4 (2):105-185. doi: 10.1561/0200000020.
Caserta, Marco, Stefan Lessmann, and Stefan Voß. 2010. "A Novel Approach to Construct Discrete Support Vector Machine Classifiers." Advances in Data Analysis, Data Handling and Business Intelligence — Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft für Klassifikation e.V. (GFKL'2008), Hamburg, Germany, 16-18 July.
Ziekow, Holger, Benjamin Fabian, and Cristian Müller. 2009. "High-Speed Access to RFID Data: Meeting Real-Time Requirements in Distributed Value Chains." On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2009 Workshops.
Stahlbock, Robert, Stefan Lessmann, and Sven F. Crone. 2009. "Data Mining and Information Systems: Quo Vadis?" In Data Mining - Special Issue in Annals of Information Systems, edited by Robert Stahlbock, Sven F. Crone and Stefan Lessmann, 1-15. Berlin: Springer.
Schüller, Sebastian, Stefan Lessmann, and Stefan Voß. 2009. "A Case Study of Random Forest in Predictive Data Mining." Business Services: Konzepte, Technologien, Anwendungen — Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI'2009), Wien.
Lessmann, Stefan, and Stefan Voß. 2009. "Feature Selection in Marketing Applications." Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA'2009), Beijing, China, August 17 to19.
Lessmann, Stefan, and Stefan Voß. 2009. "A reference model for customer-centric data mining with support vector machines." European Journal of Operational Research 199 (2):520-530. doi: (doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2008.12.017).
Lessmann, Stefan, Ming-Chien Sung, and Johnnie E. V. Johnson. 2009. "Identifying winners of competitive events: A SVM-based classification model for horserace prediction." European Journal of Operational Research 196 (2):569-577. doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2008.03.018.
Lessmann, Stefan, Sebastian Schüller, and Stefan Voß. 2009. "Kostensensitive Klassifikation mit Random Forest." HMD: Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 268:57-68.
Fabian, Benjamin, and Oliver Günther. 2009. "Security challenges of the EPCglobal network." Commun. ACM 52 (7):121-125. doi: 10.1145/1538788.1538816.
Fabian, Benjamin. 2009. "Implementing secure p2p-ons." Communications, 2009. ICC'09. IEEE International Conference on.
Evdokimov, Sergei, Benjamin Fabian, and Steffen Kunz. 2009. "Challenges for Access Control in Knowledge Federations." KMIS.
Botthof, M. Bovenschulte, S. Evdokimov, B. Fabian, P. Gabriel, O. Günther, E. A. Hartmann. 2009. Internet der Dinge – Leitfaden zu technischen, organisatorischen, rechtlichen und sicherheitsrelevanten Aspekten bei der Realisierung neuer RFID-gestützter Prozesse. In Wirtschaft und Verwaltung: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie.
Aristidis Tsatsos, René Schüler, Sergei Evdokimov, Daniel Marx, Benjamin Fabian. 2009. Leitfaden zur Gesetzeslage bei Personenbeziehbarkeit. In BMBF Aletheia Deliverable D.G7.2, Technical Report.
Benjamin Fabian, Oliver Günther, Holger Ziekow. 2008 (2011). "Automatische Identifikation, Barcode, Biometrie, OCR, RFID." In Enzyklopädie der Wirtschaftsinformatik, edited by K. et al. Kurbel. München.
Preßmar, Dieter B., and Stefan Lessmann. 2008. "Wissensexploration mit der Support Vektor Maschinen." In Wissen Vernetzung Virtualisierung, edited by Harald F. O. Kortzfleisch and Oliver Bohl, 187-197. Köln: Josef EUL Verlag.
Matthias Bauer, Benjamin Fabian, Matthias Fischmann, Seda Gürses, Peter Schüler. 2008. "Verbraucherdaten aus Funk-Etiketten als Handelsware " c‘t (12):84-87.
Martin, Nicole, Stefan Lessmann, and Stefan Voß. 2008. "Crowdsourcing: Systematisierung praktischer Ausprägungen und verwandter Konzepte." Proc. of the Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik, München, Germany.
Lessmann, Stefan, and Stefan Voß. 2008. "Supervised Classification for Decision Support in Customer Relationship Management." In Intelligent Decision Support, edited by Andreas Bortfeldt, Jörg Homberger, Herbert Kopfer, Giselher Pankratz and Reinhard Strangmeier, 231-253. Wiesbaden: Gabler.
Lessmann, Stefan, Ning Li, and Stefan Voß. 2008. "A Case Study of Core Vector Machines in Corporate Data Mining." Proc. of the 41st Hawaii Intern. Conf. on System Sciences, Hawaii, USA.
Lessmann, Stefan, Bart Baesens, Christophe Mues, and Swantje Pietsch. 2008. "Benchmarking classification models for software defect prediction: A proposed framework and novel findings." IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 34 (4):485-496. doi: 10.1109/TSE.2008.35.
Fabian, Benjamin. 2008. "Secure name services for the Internet of Things." Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät.
Evdokimov, Sergei, Benjamin Fabian, and Oliver Günther. 2008. "Multipolarity for the object naming service." In The Internet of things, 1-18. Springer.
Benjamin Fabian, Oliver Günther, Sarah Spiekermann. 2008. "ONS Security." In RFID Handbook - Applications, Technology, Security and Privacy, edited by Syed Ahson and Mohammad Ilyas. CRC Press.
Lessmann, Stefan, Ming-Chien Sung, and Johnnie E.V. Johnson. 2007. "Adapting least-square support vector regression models to forecast the outcome of horseraces." Journal of Prediction Markets 1 (3):169-187.
Johnson, Johnnie E. V., Stefan Lessmann, and Ming-Chien Sung. 2007. A new method for predicting the outcome of speculative events. Southampton, UK: Centre for Risk Research, School of Management.
Fabian, Benjamin, Oliver Günther, Lenka Ivantysynova, Sarah Spiekermann, and Holger Ziekow. 2007. "Sicherer Informationsaustausch im Internet der Dinge." In Internet der Dinge, www.internet-der-dinge.de, 179-190.
Fabian, Benjamin, and Oliver Gunther. 2007. "Distributed ONS and its Impact on Privacy." Communications, 2007. ICC'07. IEEE International Conference on.
Fabian, Benjamin, Matthias Fischmann, and Seda F. Gürses. 2007. "Location Services in Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks." In Algorithms for Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks, edited by Roger Wattenhofer Dorothea Wagner, 265-281. Springer.
Erik-Oliver Blaß, Benjamin Fabian, Matthias Fischmann, Seda Gürses. 2007. "Security in Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks." In Algorithms for Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks, edited by Roger Wattenhofer Dorothea Wagner. Springer.
Benjamin Fabian, Matthias Fischmann, Seda Gürses. 2007. "Location Services in Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks." In Algorithms for Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks, edited by Roger Wattenhofer Dorothea Wagner. Springer.
Lessmann, Stefan, and Stefan Voß. 2006. "Solving discrete support vector machines with tabu search." INFORMS 2006 Workshop of Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
Lessmann, Stefan , Robert Stahlbock, and Sven F. Crone. 2006. "Genetic Algorithms for Support Vector Machine Model Selection." Proc. of the Intern. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 16-21 July.
Lessmann, Stefan, Sven F. Crone, Robert Stahlbock, and Nico Zacher. 2006. "An Evaluation of Discrete Support Vector Machines for Cost-Sensitive Learning." Proc. of the Intern. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 16-21 July.
Fabian, Benjamin. 2006. "Szenarien des Ubiquitous Computing – Mein neuer Kühlschrank (Utopian Fiction)." BMBF TAUCIS:147-150.
Fabian, Benjamin. 2006. "Szenarien des Ubiquitous Computing – Verbrechen der ferneren Zukunft (Dystopian Fiction)." BMBF TAUCIS:145-147.
Fabian, Benjamin. 2006. Technische Bestimmungsfaktoren des Ubiquitous Computing. In BMBF TAUCIS.
Fabian, Benjamin. 2006. Physical Intrusion Detection Using RFID In 1st GI SIG SIDAR Graduate Workshop on Reactive Security edited by Ulrich Flegel. Berlin, Germany.
Crone, Sven F., Stefan Lessmann, and Robert Stahlbock. 2006. "The impact of preprocessing on data mining: An evaluation of classifier sensitivity in direct marketing." European Journal of Operational Research 173 (3):781-800.
Crone, Sven F., Stefan Lessmann, and Robert Stahlbock. 2006. DMIN'06 – Proceedings of International Conference on Data Mining. Las Vegas: CSREA Press.
Crone, Sven F., Stefan Lessmann, and Swantje Pietsch. 2006. "Forecasting with Computational Intelligence - An Evaluation of Support Vector Regression and Artificial Neural Networks for Time Series Prediction." Proc. of the Intern. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 16-21 July.
Crone, Sven F., Stefan Lessmann, and Swantje Pietsch. 2006. "Parameter Sensitivity of Support Vector Regression and Neural Networks for Forecasting." Proc. of the Intern. Conf. on Data Mining, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 26-29.
Benjamin Fabian, Markus Hansen. 2006. Technische und Organisatorische Lösungen für Informationelle Sicherheit und Selbstbestimmung im Ubiquitous Computing. In BMBF TAUCIS.
Benjamin Fabian, Markus Hansen. 2006. Technische Grundlagen des Ubiquitous Computing. In BMBF-Technikfolgeabschätzung Ubiquitäres Computing und Informationelle Selbstbestimmung (BMBF TAUCIS).
Bauer, Matthias, Benjamin Fabian, Matthias Fischmann, and Seda F. Gürses. 2006. "Emerging Markets for RFID Traces." CoRR abs/cs/0606018.
Stahlbock, Robert, Stefan Lessmann, and Sven F. Crone. 2005. "Evolutionary Neural Classification Approaches for Strategic and Operational Decision Support in Retail Store Planning." Proc. of the Intern. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 27.-30. Juni.
Lessmann, Stefan, and Stefan Voß. 2005. "Electronic-Procurement." In Lexikon der Betriebswirtschaftslehre, edited by S. G. Häberle. to be published.
Lessmann, Stefan, Robert Stahlbock, and Sven F. Crone. 2005. "Optimizing Hyperparameters of Support Vector Machines by Genetic Algorithms." Proc. of the Intern. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 27.-30. Juni.
Lessmann, Stefan, and Robert Stahlbock. 2005. "Support Vektor Klassifikatoren im analytischen Kundenbeziehungsmanagement." In Neue Anwendungen von Fuzzy-Logik und Künstlicher Intelligenz, edited by Heinrich Rommelfanger, 113-124. Aachen: Shaker Verlag.
Lessmann, Stefan, Sven F. Crone, and Robert Stahlbock. 2005. "Genetically Constructed Kernels for Support Vector Machines." In Operations Research Proceedings 2005, edited by H.D. Haasis, H. Kopfer and J. Schönberger, 257-262. Berlin: Springer.
Fabian, Benjamin. 2005. "Honeypots und Honeynets." Zeitschrift für Datenschutz und Datensicherheit 29.
Crone, Sven F., Stefan Lessmann, and Robert Stahlbock. 2005. "Utility Based Data Mining for Time Series Analysis - Cost sensitive learning for Neural Network Predictors." Proc. of the 1st ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Utility based Data Mining, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 21. August.
Crone, Sven F., Stefan Lessmann, and Robert Stahlbock. 2005. "Support Vector Machines versus Artificial Neural Networks - New Potential in Data Mining for Customer Relationship Management?" In Neural Networks Applications in Information Technology and Web Engineering, edited by Dianhui Wang and Nung Kion Lee, 80-93. Sarawak: Borneo Publishing Co.
Benjamin Fabian, Oliver Günther, Sarah Spiekermann. 2005. "Security Analysis of the Object Name Service." IEEE ICPS.
Lessmann, Stefan. 2004. "Solving Imbalanced Classification Problems with Support Vector Machines." Proc. of the Intern. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 21. - 24. June.
Fabian, Benjamin. 2004. Global Information Assurance Certified Intrusion Analyst Practical
Crone, Sven F., Stefan Lessmann, and Robert Stahlbock. 2004. "Empirical Comparison and Evaluation of Classifier Performance for Data Mining in Customer Relationship Management." Proc. of the Intern. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks Budapest, Hungary, 25. - 29. Juli 2004.
Stahlbock, Robert, and Stefan Lessmann. 2003. Potential von Support Vektor Maschinen im analytischen Customer Relationship Management. Institute of Information Systems, University of Hamburg.
Lessmann, Stefan. 2003. "Customer Relationship Management." WISU - das Wirtschaftsstudium 32 (2):190-192.