Dr. Beatriz Mariano
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Dorotheenstr. 1
10099 Berlin
Raum 301
Telefon: +49 30 2093-99473
Fax: +49 30 2093-99431
E-Mail: beatriz.mariano [at] hu-berlin.de
Beatriz Mariano joined the Finance Group in 2018. She holds a PhD in Finance from the London School of Economics, a master's degree in Economics from the University of York, and a bachelor degree in Economics from Universidade Nova de Lisboa. She has previously worked at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, the London School of Economics, and Cass Business School in London, and has held visiting positions at the Bank of Portugal and the European Central Bank.
Her research interests focus on corporate finance, corporate governance, and financial intermediation.
"Creditor Control Rights and Board Independence", with Daniel Ferreira and Miguel Ferreira. Journal of Finance (2018), 73, 2385-2423
"Creditor control rights, investment and growth opportunities", with Josep Tribó. Journal of Financial Services Research (2015), 47, 203-228
"Market power and reputational concerns in the ratings industry". Journal of Banking and Finance (2012), 36(6), 1616-1626
"Ownership structure and minority expropriation: the case for multiple blockholders", with Josep Tribó and María Gutiérrez. Applied Financial Economics (2012), 22(24), 2075-2083