Dr. Wei-Shiun Chang
Research Associate
Research Interests: Experimental Economics, Behavioral Economics, Decision Theory, Industrial Organization, and Entrepreneurial Management.
- Research project "Agricultural entrepreneurs' decision making and structural change: An experimental approach" of the Research Unit SiAg, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)
E-Mail: changwei AT hu-berlin.de
Tel.: (+49 30) 2093-99013
Office Hours: Tuesday 1-2 pm, Wednesday 1-2 pm
- Assistance in research and teaching
- PostDoc
E-Mail: wei-shiun.chang AT hu-berlin.de
Tel.: (+49 30) 2093-99013
"An investigation of the average bid mechanism for procurement auctions," with Tim Salmon and Bo Chen. Forthcoming, Management Science. (Online Appendix) Click to see the coverage in IFREE newsletter (by Vernon Smith, 2002 Nobel Laureate in Economics)