Professor Phillip H. Phan, Ph.D.

Professor Phillip H. Phan, Ph.D. (curriculum vitae)
Lally School of Management and Technology
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, in Troy, NY
summer semester 2004 and 2005
"The Economics of Entrepreneurship"
"Seminar on Advanced Aspects of Entrereneurship and Innovation"
In the summer term 2004, Professor Phillip H. Phan, Ph.D. from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA was taking over the position of HANIEL Guest Professor at the institute for entrepreneurial studies and innovation management.
Professor Phan is Warren H. Bruggeman '46 and Pauline Urban Bruggeman Professor of Management at Lally School of Management and Technology of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY. His course program in the United States comprises Strategic Management, Corporate Governance and Entrepreneurship. Besides his teaching activities, he consultated among others the World Bank, the OECD, Singapore Airlines, IBM Canada, Ernst & Young as well as young technology enterprises and venture capital provider.
As Guest Professor he taught a course on "Opportunity Identification in New Ventures" and gave a seminar for Ph.D. students, diploma students, and masters students from the fields of entrepreneurship and marketing.
We were glad to welcome Professor Phan at our faculty again in May and June 2005. Professor Phan offered the "Seminar on Innovation Theory" together with Professor Schade.