Professor Moren Lévesque, Ph.D.

Professor Moren Lévesque, Ph.D.
Canada Research Chair in Innovation & Technical Entrepreneurship, Department of Management Sciences
Centre for Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology,
Faculty of Engineering
University of Waterloo
summer semester 2008
summer semester 2001
Teaching 2008
International Entrepreneurship
Teaching 2001
"Entrepreneurial Decision Making"
"The Application of Mathematical Modeling Methods to Entrepreneurship Research"
Professor Moren Lévesque is an associate professor and Canada Research Chair in Innovation & Technical Entrepreneurship at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Waterloo. Prior to this, she was an assistant professor at the Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio.
Professor Lévesque received her Ph.D. in Management Science from the University of British Columbia. She teaches undergraduate and graduates courses in operations research, operations management, statistics, new venture creation, and international entrepreneurship.
During her first stay in Berlin in 2001, Prof. Lévesque taught the course " Entrepreneurial Decision Making" and the seminar " The Application of Mathematical Modeling Methods to Entrepreneurship Research" within the scope of the Master's Program of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
In addition to teaching, she and Professor Dr. Christian Schade spent a lot of time on collaborative research. Two joint research projects resulted:
- Time Allocation Decisions with Newly Formed Ventures
- Bounded Rationality and Market Entry Timing