Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - School of Business and Economics

Chair of Entrepreneurial and Behavioral Decision Making


In BA teaching, the professorship for Entrepreneurial and Behavioral Decision Making mainly deals with the economic and psychological foundations of entrepreneurship, in the MA course with entrepreneurial decisions, but also with behavioral economics more generally, behavioral decision making, and methodological foundations, i.e. experiments. In research, it also deals with decisions, both entrepreneurial ones, but also in a more general perspective. Prof. Schade uses the basic principles of behavioral economics, experimental economics, and quantum decision making, which he himself helped to further and which he is also currently developing further. This comprises the question of free will. His research associates also work on these issue, but also deal with social decisions of entrepreneurs, cognitive psychological approaches and the problem of subjectivity/quantum decision making.

The chair is held by Professor Dr. Christian D. Schade.

The chair is located at Spandauer Straße 1, third floor. Admin. office room 302.



  • Publication:
    Schade, C.D. (2023): Towards a Philosophy of Entrepreneurial Decision Making: Under­standing the Nature of Innovations within the Framework of the Quantum Multiverse. In: Alain Fayolle and Saulo Dubart Barbosa (eds.): A Research Agenda for Entrepreneurial Decision Making. Edgar Elgar. In press.
  • Prof. Schades student office hour during the winter term 2024/25 will take place Tuesdays from 14.30 hrs. to 15.30 hrs in room 300. Please register by contacting the administrative assistant, Ute Ottenbreit.
  • For capacity reasons, Professor Schade is not currently accepting new doctoral students. If you are interested in the doctoral programme of the Berlin School of Economics, you will find further information here:

    Acceptance to this program does not guarantee supervision by Professor Schade!

  • Professor Schade is also currently not available for mentoring functions within the Berlin StartUp stipend or similar programs.