Team | Mitarbeiter*innen
Director | Direktor
Prof. Lutz Weinke, Ph.D. |
Room | Raum |
331 |
Office hours | Sprechzeiten |
Tuesday | Dienstag |
Fon (secretary | Sekretariat) | +49 30 2093-99570 | |
Fon (office | Büro) | +49 30 2093-99572 | |
lutz.weinke (at) | ||
Please write to our office if you wish to make an appointment with Professor Weinke – to make sure that your request is replied to without delay. | Bitte vereinbaren Sie Termine per Mail über das Sekretariat. Ihre Anfrage kann sonst nur mit zeitlicher Verzögerung beantwortet werden.
Secretary | Sekretariat
Ute Ottenbreit |
Room | Raum | 332 | |
Office hours | Sprechzeiten | on appointment | nach Vereinbarung | |
Fon | +49 30 2093-99570 | |
wpol (at) |
Ph.D. Students | Doktorand*innen
Hannah Seidl |
Affiliation | Berlin School of Economics und DIW Graduate Center |
Vanessa Barbara Schmidt |
Room | Raum | 329 | |
Office hours | |
on appointment | nach Vereinbarung |
Fon |
+49 30 2093-99574 (at) |
Veljko Bojovic |
Room | Raum | 330 | |
Office hours | Sprechzeiten |
on appointment | nach Vereinbarung |
Fon |
+49 30 2093-99557 veljko.bojovic (at) |
Student Assistants | Studentische Hilfskräfte
Natascha Ellis |
![]() |
Room | Raum Fon |
333 +49 30 2093-99573 ellinata (at) |
Marc Alexander Littkopf |
Room | Raum Fon |
333 +49 30 2093-99573 littkoma (at) |
Former Ph.D. Students | Ehemalige Doktorand*innen
Konrad Kuhmann - Latvijas Banka
Mauricio Salgado Moreno - Research Economist at the Bank of England
Julia Otten - Economist (Economist Program) at International Monetary Fund, European Department
Felix Strobel -Economist in the International and Euro Area Macroeconomic Analysis Division at Deutsche Bundesbank
Jelena Zivanovic - Senior Economist in the Canadian Economic Analysis departement of the Bank of Canada