Outreach print & internet
Our research is covered in the news. Below is a list of media citations Gabriel Ahlfeldt's research in relevant print and internet outlets. This site is embedded from Ahlfeldt's personal website.
2023-04-24, Im Homeoffice raus aus der Stadt. FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG
2023-04-12, Mehr Bewegungsfreiheit. Ist die Verkehrsanbindung in die Stadt gut, dann macht das Leben auf dem Land Lust. Der Ausbau der Infrastruktur ist also eine Frage der Chancengleichheit. LIBERAL
2022-05-14, House price falls and unrentable homes: building owners block flats from better broadband, TELEGRAPH
2021-07-20, Will Speculators Feast Thanks to Vancouver’s Council? THE TYEE
2021-03-01, Lockdown and the social life of big cities. CENTREPIECE
2021-02-25, Real estate market uncertainty highlights crucial importance of industry education. THE SCOTSMAN
2021-02-02, Are We Still Attracted By The Bright Lights?, FORBES
2020-11-02, Economics of skyscrapers. CentrePiece
2020-08-25, Employment-maximising minimum wages: Evidence from Germany. EEA media briefings
2019-12-17, Interview: Deutsche Städte entwickeln sich Richtung London. SWP
2019-05-09, Dense cities lead to 'greater inequality'. THE PLANNER
2019-04-12, Top of the league: Buying a new home close to a football stadium can be a winner - just look at White Hart Lane. MAILONLINE
2019-02-22, It’s The Green Belt That Causes London’s Inequality. CONTINENTAL TELEGRAPH
2019-01-18, Brexit-Related Lower House Prices Won’t Make Property Affordable. VICE
2018-08-03, Was ein ICE-Bahnhof in der Pampa bringt. NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG
2018-06-29, Arbeitgeber können es sich leisten, höhere Löhne zu zahlen: Wie weiter mit dem Mindestlohn? OXI
2018-06-27, Arbeitgeber können es sich leisten, höhere Löhne zu zahlen. FOCUS ONLINE
2018-06-27, Minimum wage laws still fall short for those on the bottom. THE FINANCIAL TIMES
2018-06-26, Introduction of minimum wage in Germany did not lead to job losses. LSE news
2017-11-16, listed among the German 2017 “top 40 under 40” in science and society. CAPITAL
2017-10-25, Live just outside conservation area for property price boost. THE TIMES
2017-09-19, Architectural value? The right measure. ESQUISSES, vol. 28, no 3, autumn 2017
2017-09-19, Intercontinental railway corridors (Приоритет грузов на трансконтинентальных магистралях). GUDOK (Interview in major Russian newspaper)
2017-09-07, Urban rail as a part of a multi-model transport network (Конкуренция между электропоездами и автобусами надуманна). GUDOK (Interview in major Russian newspaper)
2017-09-09, Games with a land plan should end. Let's start a land competition. iDNES.
2017-03-30, Die Angst vor dem Knall. DIE TAGESZEITUNG
2016-11-23, Kupujte si byty, Praha pak bude krásnější Gabriel Ahlfeldt. LIDOVE NOVINY (interview in major Czech newspaper).
2016-11-15, Generation gap for voters makes referenda unsuitable in ageing populations. LSE news.
2016-06-02, ICE feiert 25. Jubiläum. Trotzdem kein Halt am Berliner Zoo. TAGESSPIEGEL
2016-05-08, the complex relationship between data and cities. CITYLAB
2015-12-24, Are shiny new football stadiums a game-changer for communities. THE INDEPENDENT.
2015-11-18, Karrierestation Provinzbahnhof. HANDELSBLATT.
2015-09-05, Deutschland wird zu einer einzigen großen Stadt. DIE WELT
2015-09-03, Willkommen in Deutschstadt. DIE WELT.
2015-08-11, London faces skyscraper pressure unless planning laws change. LSE news, cited in BUILDING PROJECTS, NETMAG MEDIA, BUILDING CONSTRUCTION DESIGN
2015-07-26, When neighbors score a prize (Når naboerne scorer hovedgevinsten), INDBLIK
2015-03-16, Academics put pricetag on 'distinctive design', AJ (ARCHITECTS JOURNAL)
2014-10-12, The Berlin Wall’s great human experiment. THE BOSTON GLOBE
2014-10-10, De koosten van de Berlijnse Murr (the cost of the Berlin Wall). Coen Teulings in NRC
2014-09-20, Paying the field. Councils are becoming keener on football stadiums. THE ECONOMIST
2014-09-11, Superfast broadband will see a bigger return on investment than HS2, says economist, CABLE.CO.UK
2014-08-04, Want to add three per cent to the value of house? Get better broadband. DAILY EXPRESS
2014-08-01, Fast internet speeds boost UK property price, THE TELEGRAPH & DAILYNEWS
2013-12, Megastaedte: Wie sich die Metropolen der Welt veraendern warden. WERTE, Deutsche Bank Magazine
2013-11-26, The cost of conservation. THE ECONOMIST
2013-11-04, Gentrification. VENITISM
2013-10-29, Gentrification plays central role in conservation decisions, LSE news
2013-09-09, High speed property gains dwindle. ESTATES GAZETTE
2013-05-30, City residents willing to pay a higher price for a good lifestyle, LSE news
2013-05-16, In der Mitte zwischen Main und Neckar und trotzdem am Rande, FRANKUFTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG
2013-04, Gute Architektur hebt den Wert der Nachbarschaft. Interview in the German architecture magazine DEUTSCHES ARCHITEKTENBLATT.
2013-01-28, Der große Wohnungsmarkt-Check, Berlin ist gefragter denn je. Wirtschaftswoche
2012-08-17, ICE Bahnhof Montabaur „Die Erfolgsgeschichte geht weiter!“, Westerwälder Leben
2012-08-16, Montabaur fordert stündlichen ICE-Halt, Rhein-Zeitung
2012-08-01, Architekturökonomie: Fluch oder Segen?, interview in the Swiss architecture magazine HOCHPARTERRE
2012-07-17, Predicting property boons from station to station. LSE Research and Expertise feature article.
2012-06-10, Lincoln conservation areas add value to homes, the LINCOLNITE
2012-07-06, Heritage homes are worth the red tape, Financial Times
2012-07-03, Heritage pays for home owners, according to conservation study, Beautiful North Yorkshire
2012-07-06, Research into the effects of Conservation Areas on value, LSE and English Heritage
2012-05-29, Mehr Romantik gefragt. Schweizer Immobilienbrief
2012-03, If we build it, will they pay? Viewpoint in Metro Rail International
2012-04-03, Immobilienpreise in Tegel steigen, Der Tagesspiegel
2011-05-07, Research draws link between rail investment and property prices, Local Transport Today
2011-05-01, New football stadiums good for house prices, economists find, The Observer
2011-03-24, Property price rises can be accurately predicted ahead of transport improvements, LSE news, ATOMIC CULTURE, etc.
2011-01-25, Speeding towards economic growth, rtm – rail technology magazine
2010-10-28, Montabaur und Limburg im Testlabor, WESTDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG
2010-10-22, Freie Bahn für den Wohlstand, Wirtschaftszeitung AKTIV
2010-10-18, ICE bringt Wohlstand nach Montabaur und Limburg, RHEIN-ZEITUNG
2010-10-12, Das bringen Hochgeschwingdigkeitsstrecken, Handelsblatt
2010-09-28, Gravy Train: High Speed Rail's Economic Benefits, globalpost
2010-09-13, Why high speed rail is an economic winner, LSE news, cited in various magazines and radio
2010-06-10, Eye-catching stadia deliver economic boost, Stadia Magazine
2009-10-20, Bahnhof Zoo bleibt abgehängt, Der Tagesspiegel
2009-10-19, Lange Wege zum Hauptbahnhof, Der Tagesspiegel
2009-10-19, Zeitaufwand durch Hauptbahnhof, BZ
2009-06-16, Zu wenig öffentliche Freizeitsportanlagen - Zentrum und einzelne Stadtteile unterversorgt, Hamburger Wochenspiegel
2008-06-08, U5 treibt Mieten in die Hoehe, Der Tagesspiegel
2008-02-28, Tempelhof ist in - Nach dem Aus, Der Tagesspiegel