Stefan received a diploma in business administration and a PhD from the University of Hamburg in 2002 and 2007, respectively. He worked as a lecturer and senior lecture in business informatics at the Institute of Information Systems of the University of Hamburg. Since 2008, Stefan is a guest lecturer at the School of Management of the University of Southampton, where he teaches under- and postgraduate courses on quantitative methods, electronic business, and web application development. Stefan completed his habilitation in the area of predictive analytics in 2012. He then joined the Humboldt-University of Berlin in 2014, where he heads the Chair of Information Systems at the School of Business and Economics. Stefan published several papers in leading international journals and conferences, including the European Journal of Operational Research, the IEEE Transactions of Software Engineering, and the International Conference on Information Systems. He actively participates in knowledge transfer and consulting projects with industry partners; from small start-up companies to global players.
Research interests
Stefan’s work focuses on the analysis and support managerial decision making. Much of his research is concerned with the development, application, and validation of empirical prediction models. The degree to which such models actually support managers and how to improve their alignment with managers’ requirements represent typical research questions.
Topics of interest include, for example:
- Artificial neural networks, deep learning, and recurrent neural network architectures
- Big Data Analytics
- Credit risk modeling using regression, classification and survival analysis
- Ensemble models and forecast combination
- Marketing and E-Commerce analytics (e.g., churn management, customer lifetime value, online marketing, customer targeting, real-time bidding)
- Non-standard paradigms to learn from data (active learning, adversarial learning, learning with privileged information, PU learning, semi-supervised learning, …)
- Sentiment and social network analysis
- Time series forecasting (e.g., in finance or demand planning)
Social Media

Selected publications (complete list of publications)
S. Lessmann, B. Baesens, H.-V. Seow, L. C. Thomas. Benchmarking state-of-the-art classification algorithms for credit scoring: An update of research. European Journal of Operational Research, (doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2015.05.030)
H. Brandner, S. Lessmann, S. Voß. A memetic approach to construct transductive discrete support vector machines. European Journal of Operational Research, 230(3), 581-595 (2013)
S. Lessmann, M.-C. Sung, J.E.V. Johnson, T. Ma. A new methodology for generating and combining statistical forecasting models to enhance competitive event prediction. European Journal of Operational Research 218(1), 163-174 (2012)
S. Lessmann, M. Listiani, S. Voß. Decision Support in Car Leasing: A Forecasting Model for Residual Value Estimation. In: M. Lacity, F. Niederman, S. March (Eds.) Proc. of the Intern. Conf. on Information Systems (ICIS’10), Saint Louis, MO, USA (2010)
S. Lessmann, S. Voß. Customer-centric decision support: A benchmarking study of novel versus established classification models. Business & Information Systems Engineering 2(2), 79-93 (2010)
Grants and distinctions
Governmentally funded research
Managing Efficiency in High Risk Environments
Andalusian Regional Government for Excellence Research Project Initiative (Excellence Project P12-SEJ-1933)
25.300 €
Developing a State-Of-The Art Trading Dashboard
Economic and Social Research Council, Technology Strategy Board, and Star Financial Systems Ltd. (Knowledge Transfer Partnership Project: KTP009163)
304.900 £
Development of a Real-Time Model of Spread-Trader Performance
Economic and Social Research Council, Technology Strategy Board, and London Capital Group Holdings plc. (Knowledge Transfer Partnership Project: KTP8952)
148.500 £
Modelling and prediction of spread-trader and contract for difference trader risk
Technology Strategy Board and Star Financial Systems Ltd. (Knowledge Transfer Partnership Project: SKTP1000767)
59.450 £
Classification and prediction of financial market trading behaviour
Technology Strategy Board and Worldspreads Ltd. (Knowledge Transfer Partnership Project: KTP8504)
149.600 £
2008 & 2011
Funding of Technical Equipment to Facilitate Research in Predictive Analytics
University of Hamburg
~20.000 €
2002 - present
Travel Grants
Various travel grants from universities and other academic institutions to support conference attendance, research exchanges or summer schools.
~15.000 €
Corporate research projects and knowledge transfer
Development of application scorecards using state-of-the-art classification algorithms
Customer: leading US retail bank
Development of tailor-made workshop targeted at business analysts and data scientists.
- Basic and advanced classification algorithms
- Predictive modeling theory (curse of dimensionality, overfitting, bias-variance trade-off)
- Predictive modeling process (data preparation, model selection and assessment)
- Analytics software packages
Optimization of Marketing Resource Utilization
Customer: leading company in the German DIY market
Contracted joint research project with DMC - Dialogmarketing Consulting GmbH aiming at:
- Development of a decision-centric database to support analytical customer relationship management
- Development of explanatory models to identify sales drivers scrutinize the effectiveness of the client’s marketing communication
- Strategy development to enhance the client’s marketing policy and increase marketing ROI
2009 - 2010
Demand Planning in Maritime Logistics
Customer: leading international logistic services company
Contracted joint research project with the Centre for Forecasting, Lancaster Business School and RSG Software GmbH aiming at:
- Devise a classification of demand time series,
- Develop statistical and computational-intelligence-based forecasting models for individual time series categories,
- Implement fully-functional forecasting support system embodying these models.
Data Mining for Cross-Selling Magazine Subscriptions
Customer: leading international publishing house
Contracted research aiming at:
- Assess in-house decision support models resulting from tree-based algorithms in SPSS Clementine,
- Explore the potential of artificial neural networks and support vector machines to increase predictive accuracy in subscription cross-selling,
- Examine the impact of data pre-processing procedures on prediction models and develop optimal data encoding schemes.
Professional activity and recognition Editorships
- Associate Editor of the Deparment Computational Methods and Decision Support Systems, Business Information and Systems Engineering (BISE)
- M. Abou-Nasr, S. Lessmann, R. Stahlbock, G. M. Weiss (Eds). Real World Data Mining Applications – Special Issue in Annals of Information Systems. Vol. 17. Springer: Berlin (2015)
- R. Stahlbock, S.F. Crone, S. Lessmann (Eds). Data Mining – Special Issue in Annals of Information Systems. Vol. 8. Springer: Berlin (2010)
- R. Stahlbock, S.F. Crone, S. Lessmann (Eds.). Proceedings of International Conference on Data Mining (DMIN). CSREA Press: Las Vegas (2006, 2007, 2008, 2009)
Peer-reviewing service for various leading international journals and conferences in operational research and information systems; including: BISE, DSS, ECIS, EJOR, ICIS, IEEE TSE, IEEE TKDE, IJF, JORS, OMEGA, amongst others.