Day 2 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät | Professuren | Betriebswirtschaftslehre | Operations Research | Lehre | Mathematics Preparatory Course 2019 | Day 2 Day 2 1a - Slides Sequences and Limits.pdf 1b - Exercises Sequences and Limits.pdf 1c - Solutions Sequences and Limits.pdf 1d - How to compute limits of rational sequences.pdf 2a - Slides Derivatives.pdf 2b - Exercises Derivatives.pdf 2c - Solutions Derivatives.pdf 2d - How to compute maxima and minima of real valued functions.pdf 3a - Slides Taylor Approximation.pdf 3b - Exercises Taylor Approximation.pdf 3c - Solutions Derviatives and Extrema of multivariate functions.pdf 3c - Solutions Taylor Approximation.pdf 3d - How to compute taylor polynomials.pdf 4a - Slides Derivatives and Extrema of Multivariate Functions.pdf 4b - Exercises Derviatives and Extrema of multivariate functions.pdf