IRTG 1792 DP Abstracts
IRTG1792DP2021 016
A Time-Varying Network for Cryptocurrencies
Li Guo
Wolfgang Karl Härdle
Yubo Tao
Cryptocurrencies return cross-predictability and technological similarity yield
information on risk propagation and market segmentation. To investigate these
effects, we build a time-varying network for cryptocurrencies, based on the
evolution of return cross-predictability and technological similarities. We
develop a dynamic covariate-assisted spectral clustering method to consistently
estimate the latent community structure of cryptocurrencies network that
accounts for both sets of information. We demonstrate that investors can achieve
better risk diversification by investing in cryptocurrencies from different
communities. A cross-sectional portfolio that implements an inter-crypto
momentum trading strategy earns a 1.08% daily return. By dissecting the
portfolio returns on behavioral factors, we con rm that our results are not
driven by behavioral mechanisms.
Community detection, Dynamic stochastic blockmodel, Covariates, Co-clustering,
Network risk, Momentum
JEL Classification:
IRTG1792DP2020 016
A data-driven P-spline smoother and the P-Spline-GARCH models
Yuanhua Feng
Wolfgang Karl Härdle
Penalized spline smoothing of time series and its asymptotic properties are
studied. A data-driven algorithm for selecting the smoothing parameter is
developed. The proposal is applied to define a semiparametric extension of the
well-known Spline- GARCH, called a P-Spline-GARCH, based on the log-data
transformation of the squared returns. It is shown that now the errors process
is exponentially strong mixing with finite moments of all orders. Asymptotic
normality of the P-spline smoother in this context is proved. Practical
relevance of the proposal is illustrated by data examples and simulation. The
proposal is further applied to value at risk and expected shortfall.
P-spline smoother, smoothing parameter selection, P-Spline-GARCH, strong mixing,
value at risk, expected shortfall
JEL Classification:
C14, C51
IRTG1792DP2020 027
Blockchain mechanism and distributional characteristics of cryptos
Min-Bin Lin
Kainat Khowaja
Cathy Yi-Hsuan Chen
Wolfgang Karl Härdle
We investigate the relationship between underlying blockchain mechanism of
cryptocurrencies and its distributional characteristics. In addition to price,
we emphasise on using actual block size and block time as the operational
features of cryptos. We use distributional characteristics such as fourier power
spectrum, moments, quantiles, global we optimums, as well as the measures for
long term dependencies, risk and noise to summarise the information from crypto
time series. With the hypothesis that the blockchain structure explains the
distributional characteristics of cryptos, we use characteristic based spectral
clustering to cluster the selected cryptos into five groups. We scrutinise
these clusters and find that indeed, the clusters of cryptos share similar
mechanism such as origin of fork, difficulty adjustment frequency, and the
nature of block size. This paper provides crypto creators and users with a
better understanding toward the connection between the blockchain protocol
design and distributional characteristics of cryptos.
Cryptocurrency, price, blockchain mechanism, distributional characteristics,
JEL Classification:
IRTG1792DP 018
Robustifying Markowitz
Wolfgang Karl Härdle
Yegor Klochkov
Alla Petukhina
Nikita Zhivotovskiy
Markowitz mean-variance portfolios with sample mean and covariance as input parameters feature numerous issues in practice. They perform poorly out of sample due to estimation error, they experience extreme weights together with high sen- sitivity to change in input parameters. The heavy-tail characteristics of financial time series are in fact the cause for these erratic fluctuations of weights that conse- quently create substantial transaction costs. In robustifying the weights we present a toolbox for stabilizing costs and weights for global minimum Markowitz portfolios. Utilizing a projected gradient descent (PGD) technique, we avoid the estimation and inversion of the covariance operator as a whole and concentrate on robust estimation of the gradient descent increment. Using modern tools of robust statistics we con- struct a computationally efficient estimator with almost Gaussian properties based on median-of-means uniformly over weights. This robustified Markowitz approach is confirmed by empirical studies on equity markets. We demonstrate that robustified portfolios reach higher risk-adjusted performance and the lowest turnover compared to shrinkage based and constrained portfolios.
IRTG1792DP2021 017
Green financial development improving energy efficiency and economic growth: a
study of CPEC area in COVID-19 era
Linyun Zhang
Feiming Huang
Lu Lu
Xinwen Ni
This study seeks to evaluate the effect of green financial development,
improving energy efficiency and economic growth on Covid-19 tenure. For this,
the CPEC area is recommended to look into. Present study revealed the energy
economic negative repercussions of Covid-19 impacts. It is assumed that, in
China and Pakistan, economic expansion, trade openness, financial development,
and urbanization coexist. To verify the postulated impacts of economic activity
on the environment, we do Johansen cointegration, error correction, and Granger
causality tests. We discovered that economic growth, energy consumption, trade
openness, financial development, and urbanization had a long-term relationship
to CO2 emissions in Pakistan. Urbanization is the only macroeconomic factor with
a detrimental effect on carbon emissions. As with China, no cointegration is
found across variables, but unidirectional causality from energy consumption and
economic growth to economic growth is established. Economic growth, energy
consumption, and trade openness also each have bidirectional causal effect on
financial development. According to statistical data, along with significant
projected economic development in CPEC countries, policymakers and regulators
are urged to strengthen environmental protection laws in China and Pakistan.
Green financial development, Energy Financing, Energy Efficiency, Economic
growth, Covid-19 crises, Capital formation
JEL Classification:
IRTG1792DP2021 018
Robustifying Markowitz
Wolfgang Karl Härdle
Yegor Klochkov
Alla Petukhina
Nikita Zhivotovskiy
Markowitz mean-variance portfolios with sample mean and covariance as input
parameters feature numerous issues in practice. They perform poorly out of
sample due to estimation error, they experience extreme weights together with
high sensitivity to change in input parameters. The heavy-tail characteristics
of financial time series are in fact the cause for these erratic fluctuations
of weights that consequently create substantial transaction costs. In
robustifying the weights we present a toolbox for stabilizing costs and weights
for global minimum Markowitz portfolios. Utilizing a projected gradient descent
(PGD) technique, we avoid the estimation and inversion of the covariance
operator as a whole and concentrate on robust estimation of the gradient descent
increment. Using modern tools of robust statistics we construct a
computationally efficient estimator with almost Gaussian properties based on
median-of-means uniformly over weights. This robustified Markowitz approach is
confirmed by empirical studies on equity markets. We demonstrate that
robustified portfolios reach higher risk-adjusted performance and the lowest
turnover compared to shrinkage based and constrained portfolios.
JEL Classification:
IRTG1792DP2021 019
Understanding jumps in high frequency digital asset markets
Danial Saef
Odett Nagy
Sergej Sizov
Wolfgang Karl Härdle
While attention is a predictor for digital asset prices, and jumps in Bitcoin
prices are well-known, we know little about its alternatives. Studying high
frequency crypto data gives us the unique possibility to confirm that cross
market digital asset returns are driven by high frequency jumps clustered around
black swan events, resembling volatility and trading volume seasonalities.
Regressions show that intra-day jumps significantly influence end of day returns
in size and direction. This provides fundamental research for crypto option
pricing models. However, we need better econometric methods for capturing the
specific market microstructure of cryptos. All calculations are reproducible via
the quantlet.com technology.
jumps, market microstructure noise, high frequency data, cryptocurrencies, CRIX,
option pricing
JEL Classification:
IRTG1792DP2021 020
Advanced Statistical Learning on Short Term Load Process Forecasting
Junjie Hu
Brenda López Cabrera
Awdesch Melzer
Short Term Load Forecast (STLF) is necessary for effective scheduling, operation
optimization trading, and decision-making for electricity consumers. Modern and
efficient machine learning methods are recalled nowadays to manage complicated
structural big datasets, which are characterized by having a nonlinear temporal
dependence structure. We propose different statistical nonlinear models to
manage these challenges of hard type datasets and forecast 15-min frequency
electricity load up to 2-days ahead. We show that the Long-short Term Memory
(LSTM) and the Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) models applied to the production line
of a chemical production facility outperform several other predictive models in
terms of out-of-sample forecasting accuracy by the Diebold-Mariano (DM) test
with several metrics. The predictive information is fundamental for the risk
and production management of electricity consumers.
Short Term Load Forecast, Deep Neural Network, Hard Structure Load Process
JEL Classification:
C51, C52, C53, Q31, Q41
IRTG1792DP2021 021
Hedging Cryptocurrency Options
Jovanka Matic
Natalie Packham
Wolfgang Karl Härdle
The cryptocurrency (CC) market is volatile, non-stationary and noncontinuous.
Together with liquid derivatives markets, this poses a unique opportunity to
study risk management, especially the hedging of options, in a turbulent market.
We study the hedge behaviour and effectiveness for the class of a ne jump
diffusion models and infinite activity Lévy processes. First, market data is
calibrated to SVI-implied volatility surfaces to price options. To cover a wide
range of market dynamics, we generate Monte Carlo price paths using an SVCJ
model (stochastic volatility with correlated jumps) assumption and a close-to-
actual-market GARCH- filtered kernel density estimation. In these two markets,
options are dynamically hedged with Delta, Delta-Gamma, Delta-Vega and Minimum
Variance strategies. Including a wide range of market models allows to
understand the trade-off in the hedge performance between complete, but overly
parsimonious models, and more complex, but incomplete models. The calibration
results reveal a strong indication for stochastic volatility, low jump frequency
and evidence of infinite activity. Short-dated options are less sensitive to
volatility or Gamma hedges. For longer-date options, good tail risk reduction is
consistently achieved with multiple-instrument hedges. This is persistently
accomplished with complete market models with stochastic volatility.
JEL Classification:
IRTG1792DP2021 022
A Financial Risk Meter for China
Ruting Wang
Michael Althof
Wolfgang Karl Härdle
This paper develops a new risk meter specifically for China – FRM@China – to
detect systemic financial risk as well as tail-event (TE) dependencies among
major financial institutions (FIs). Compared with the CBOE FIX VIX, which is
currently the most popular financial risk measure, FRM@China has less noise. It
also emitted a risk signature much earlier than the CBOE FIX VIX index in the
2020 COVID pandemic. In addition, FRM@China uses a single quantile-lasso
regression model to allow both the assessment of risk transfer between different
sectors in which FIs operate and the prediction of systemic risk. Because the
risk indicator in FRM@China is based on penalization terms, its relationship
with macro variables are unknown and non-linear. This paper further expands the
existing FRM approach by using Shapley values to identify the dynamic
contribution of different macro features in this type of "black box" situation.
The results show that short-term interest rates and forward guidance are
significant risk drivers. This paper considers the interaction among FIs from
mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan to provide an enhanced regional tool set
for regulators to evaluate financial policy responses. All quantlets are
available on quantlet.com.
FRM (Financial Risk Meter), Lasso Quantile Regression, Financial Network, China,
Shapley value
JEL Classification:
C30, C58, G11, G15, G21
IRTG1792DP2021 023
Networks of News and Cross-Sectional Returns
Junjie Hu
Wolfgang Karl Härdle
We uncover networks from news articles to study cross-sectional stock returns.
By analyzing a huge dataset of more than 1 million news articles collected from
the internet, we construct time-varying directed networks of the S&P500 stocks.
The well-defined directed news networks are formed based on a modest assumption
about firm-specific news structure, and we propose an algorithm to tackle type-I
errors in identifying the stock tickers. We find strong evidence for the
comovement effect between the news-linked stocks returns and reversal effect
from the lead stock return on the 1-day ahead follower stock return, after
controlling for many known effects. Furthermore, a series of portfolio tests
reveal that the news network attention proxy, network degree, provides a robust
and significant cross-sectional predictability of the monthly stock returns.
Among different types of news linkages, the linkages of within-sector stocks,
large size lead firms, and lead firms with lower stock liquidity are crucial for
cross-sectional predictability.
Networks, Textual News, Cross-Sectional Returns, Comovement, Network Degree
JEL Classification:
G11, G41, C21
IRTG1792DP2022 001
Hedging Cryptos with Bitcoin Futures
Francis Liu
Natalie Packham
Meng-Jou Lu
Wolfgang Karl Härdle
The introduction of derivatives on Bitcoin enables investors to hedge risk
exposures in cryptocurrencies. Because of volatility swings and jumps in
cryptocurrency prices, the traditional variance-based approach to obtain hedge
ratios is infeasible. As a consequence, we consider two extensions of the
traditional approach: first, different dependence structures are modelled by
different copulae, such as the Gaussian, Student-t, Normal Inverse Gaussian and
Archimedean copulae; second, different risk measures, such as value-at-risk,
expected shortfall and spectral risk measures are employed to and the optimal
hedge ratio. Extensive out-of-sample tests give insights in the practice of
hedging various cryptos and crypto indices, including Bitcoin, Ethereum,
Cardano, the CRIX index and a number of crypto-portfolios in the time period
December 2017 until May 2021. Evidences show that BTC futures can effectively
hedge BTC and BTC-involved indices. This promising result is consistent across
different risk measures and copulae except for Frank. On the other hand, we
observe complex and diverse dependence structures between BTC-not-involved
assets and the futures. As a consequence, results of hedging other assets and
indices are diverse and, in some occasions, not ideal.
Cryptocurrencies, risk management, hedging, copulas
JEL Classification:
G11, G13