Michael Althof
E-mail: |
Phone: |
+49 30 2093-5630 |
Office: Office hours: |
Dorotheenstr. 1 |
Postal address: |
IRTG 1792 |
2018 - present |
PhD student in Statistics, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin |
2012 |
Certificate in Quantitative Finance, CQF Institute (Fitch Learning) |
2000-2004 |
ESCP Europe, Paris, Master, Focus on Finance |
1998-1999 |
Vordiplom, Universität zu Köln, Business Management |
Working Papers
Mihoci, A., Althof, M., Chen, C. , and Härdle, W. (2019). FRM Financial Risk Meter, accepted
Wang R, Althof M, Härdle (WKH) 2022 FRM Financial Risk Meter for China, under review
Work in Progress
Neural Network Based Approach to and Asset Allocation, focus on Alternative Investment Funds
Index Construction for Blockchain Protocol Based Offered Rates
Index Construction for Voluntary Carbon Credit Markets
Research Interest
- Applied Machine Learning (Deep Learning, Unstructured Data Analysis and Modelling)
- Time Series Forecasting using Machine Learning Tools, Focus on Yield Curves and Crypto Currencies, Portfolio Allocation
- Amalgamation of Machine Learning Related Analysis to Robust Portfolio Construction, Focus on Crpto Currency Allocation
- VL Statistical Tools in Finance and Insurance (WS 19/20)
- VL Statistics of Financial Markets I - Interest Rate Models (WS 21/22)