Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - High Dimensional Nonstationary Time Series

Alla Petukhina



Mail address

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
School of Business and Economics
Ladislaus von Bortkiewicz Chair of Statistics
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin


  • 2014 – June 2018: PhD student in Statistics, School of Business and Economics
  • 2013-2014: Exchange PhD student at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany (Erasmus Mundus Doctorate grant)
  • 2005-2007: master degree in Economics, School of economics, Ural State University, Russia
  • 2001-2005: bachelor degree in Economics, School of economics, Ural State University, Russia

Research Interests

  • Asset allocation strategies
  • Regression shrinkage techniques
  • Quantiles and expectiles
  • History of statistics
  • Investment strategies with crypto-currencies


Statistics I (Exercise SoSe 15)

Statistics II (Exercise WiSe 15/16)

Selected Topics in History of Statistics (WS 15/16)

Multivariate Statistical Analysis II (SoSe 16)

Statistical Tools in Finance and Insurance (WiSe 16/17)

Statistical programming languages(WiSe 16/17)

Statistical programming languages(SoSe 17)

Statistics I (Exercise SoSe 17)

Statistical programming languages(WiSe 17/18) with access to all premium courses from

Datacamp-logo DataCamp 

Selected Topics in Econometrics (SoSe 2018) with access to all premium courses from

Datacamp-logo DataCamp 

Statistical programming languages (WiSe 18/19) with access to all premium courses from

Datacamp-logo DataCamp 

Statistics of Financial Markets II (SoSe 2019) with access to all premium courses from

Datacamp-logo DataCamp 

Digital Economy and Decision Analytics: Blockchain and cryptocurrency (SoSe 2019) with access to all premium courses from

Datacamp-logo DataCamp 



TEDAS3_tau_logo.pngTEDAS - Tail Event ASset Allocation: τ-spine optimization



RiskProfile Risk profile clustering strategy in portfolio diversification



CORR HEAT Risk-based versus target-based portfolio strategies in the cryptocurrency market



BBI_logo.png Collective Biographies - the Database BBI - Biographical Background Information



Härdle, Wolfgang, Lee, David Kuo Chuen, Nasekin, Sergey and Petukhina, Alla, (2018), Tail Event Driven ASset allocation: evidence from equity and mutual funds’ markets, Journal of Asset Management, 19, issue 1, p. 49-63.

