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Refereed Publications
- Härdle, W.K., Okhrin, O., and Wang, W., HMM in dynamic HAC models, forthcoming in Econometric Theory (working paper version)
- Fengler, M. R. and Okhrin, O., Managing Risk with a Realized Copula Parameter, forthcoming in Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2014, DOI: 10.1016/j.csda.2014.07.011 (working paper version)
- Okhrin, O. and Ristig, A., Hierarchical Archimedean Copulae: The HAC Package, Journal of Statistical Software 58(4), 2014, pp 1-20 (working paper version)
- Durante, F. and Okhrin, O., Estimation procedures for exchangeable Marshall copulas with application to hydrological risk, forthcoming in Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2014, DOI: 10.1007/s00477-014-0866-7 (working paper version)
- Pesta, M. and Okhrin, O., Conditional Least Squares and Copulae in Claims Reserving for a Single Line of Business, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 56, 2014, pp 28-37, DOI: 10.1016/j.insmatheco.2014.02.007 (working paper version)
- Zolotko, M. and Okhrin, O., Modelling general dependence between commodity forward curves, Energy Economics 43, 2014, pp 284-296, DOI: 10.1016/j.eneco.2014.02.019 (working paper version)
- Okhrin, O., Editorial to the special issue on Copulae of Statistics & Risk Modeling, Statistics and Risk Modeling (former Statistics and Decisions), 30(4), 2013, pp.281-286, DOI:10.1524/strm.2013.9014
- Härdle, W. K., Okhrin, O. and Okhrin, Y., Dynamic Structured Copula Models, Statistics and Risk Modeling (former Statistics and Decisions), 30(4), 2013, pp.361-388, DOI: 10.1524/strm.2013.2004 (working paper version)
- Choroś, B., Härdle, W. and Okhrin, O., Valuation of Collateralized Debt Obligations with Hierarchical Archimedean Copulae, Journal of Empirical Finance 24, 2013, pp. 42-62, DOI: 10.1016/j.jempfin.2013.08.001 (working paper version)
- Okhrin, O., Okhrin, Y. and Schmid, W., Determining the structure and estimation of hierarchical Archimedean copulas, Journal of Econometrics 173(2), 2013, pp. 189-204, DOI: 10.1016/j.jeconom.2012.12.001
- Okhrin, O., Okhrin, Y. and Schmid, W., Properties of hierarchical Archimedean copulas. Statistics and Risk Modeling (former Statistics and Decision) 30(1), 2013, pp. 21-53, DOI: 10.1524/strm.2012.1107 (working paper version)
Okhrin, O., Odening, M. and W. Xu, W., Systemic Weather Risk and Crop Insurance: The Case of China, Journal of Risk and Insurance 80(2), 2013, pp 351-372, DOI: 10.1111/j.1539-6975.2012.01476.x (working paper version)
Okhrin, O., On the Generating Functional of the special case of S-Stopped Branching Processes, Visn. L'viv. Univ., Ser. Mekh.-Mat. (Bulletin of the Lviv University), Series in Mechanics and Mathematics 74, 2011, pp. 157-167 (working paper version)
Odening, M., Filler, G., Okhrin, O. and Xu, W., On the Systemic Nature of Weather Risk. Agricultural Finance Review 70(2), 2010, pp. 267-284. (working paper version)
- Härdle, W. and Okhrin, O., De copulis non est disputandum - Copulae: an Overview, AStA - Advances in Statistical Analysis 94(1), 2010, pp. 1-31 (working paper version)
Yeleyko, Y., Kyrychynska, I. and Okhrin, O., Asymptotic behavior of the S-stopped branching processes with countable state space, Visn. L'viv. Univ., Ser. Mekh.-Mat. (Bulletin of the Lviv University), Series in Mechanics and Mathematics 67, 2007, pp. 119-129 (working paper version)
Other Publications
- Odening, M., Okhrin, O., Shen, Z., Can expert knowledge compensate for data scarcity in crop insurance pricing?, Selected paper AAEA Annual Meeting 2013, Washington D.C.
- Hautsch, N., Okhrin, O., Ristig, A., Modeling Time-Varying Dependencies between Positive-Valued High-Frequency Time Series, in: P.Jaworski, F.Durante, and W.K.Härdle (eds.), Copulae in Mathematical and Quantitative Finance, (2013), Springer Verlag
- Härdle, W., Wang, W., HMM and HAC, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Volume 190, 2013, pp. 341-348, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-33042-1_37
- Härdle, W., Okhrin, O. and Choros, B., CDO Pricing with Copulae. In Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, 57th Session Durban Vol. 57. Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, 2009 (working paper version)
Okhrin, O., Fitting high-dimensional Copulae to Data, in: J.-C. Duan, J. E. Gentle, and W. K. Härdle (eds.), Handbook of Computational Finance, (2011) Springer Verlag, pp. 469-503. (working paper version)
- Härdle, W., Okhrin, O., and Okhrin, Y., Modeling Dependencies in Finance using Copulae, Applied Quantitative Finance, eds. W. Härdle, N. Hautsch and L. Overbeck, second edition, 2008 (working paper version)
- Okhrin, O., Yatsyshynets (Okhrin), I., and Yeleyko, Ya., Portfolio selection based on the internal yield requirement, proceedings of 7th international workshop for young mathematicians: Applied Mathematics, Cracow, 2005, pp. 131-149
- Renewal theory and stock returns, Applied statistics. Acturial and Financial Mathematics. #1-2, pp. 217-218, 2004 (in Ukranian)
Papers in Progress
- Zhang, S., Okhrin, O., Zhou, Q., and Song, P., Goodness-of-fit Test For Specification of Semiparametric Copula Dependence Models, under revision in Journal of Econometrics from 15.01.2014 (working paper version)
- Hautsch, N., Okhrin, O., and Ristig, A., Efficient Iterative Maximum Likelihood Estimation of High-Parameterized Time Series Models, reject but encourage resubmission in Journal of Econometrics from 28.05.2014 (working paper version)
- Shen, Z., Okhrin, O., and Odening, M., Can expert knowledge compensate for data scarcity in crop insurance pricing?, under revision in European Review of Agricultural Economics from 03.03.2014 (working paper version)
- Choroś-Tomcyk, B., Härdle, W. and Okhrin, O., CDO Surfaces Dynamics, submitted to the Review of Derivates Research on 26.03.2014 (working paper version)
- Cao, X., Okhrin, O., Odening, M., and Ritter, M., Modelling spatiotemporal variability of temperature, under revision in Computational Statistics from 09.07.2014 (working paper version)
- Härdle, W., López Cabrera, B., Okhrin, O. and Wang, W., Localising temperature risk, submitted (working paper version)