Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - High Dimensional Nonstationary Time Series

Participation: Bundesbank Horizon 2020 SupTech Event





Participation: Bundesbank Horizon 2020 SupTech Event


10.-11.02.2020. Wolfgang Karl Härdle, speaker of the IRTG 1792, Stefan Lessmann, Principal Investigator of the IRTG 1792, and Rui REN, Postdoc of Fintech Horizon 2020 Project,  attended a workshop named “AI, Market Risk and Robo Advisory” at the Deutsche Bundesbank at Frankfurt, which is co-hosted by the Fintech Horizon 2020 Project and the Deutsche Bundesbank.


During this Horizon 2020 SupTech Event, they gave talks on “Financial Risk Meter (FRM)” , “eXplainable AI (XAI) in Regulated Financial Services”, "Interpretable Machine Learning", and “Deep Learning Glossary in Layman Language”, “Network analysis” and “AI Use Cases”.



IMG 8539