Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - High Dimensional Nonstationary Time Series

Participation: METIS - gender equality and family-friendliness


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Participation: METIS


04.04.2019. The IRTG 1792 is very happy to be part of the alliance that offers a new resource to the HU Berlin research community:




The objective of this platform is to offer assistance with respect to the academic and personal development of the members of the research community by providing support to female scientists, creating more family-friendliness and reducing gender stereotypes in the work environment. 

The platform offers information about upcoming events, workshops and publications on gender equality issues. Furthermore, in the SERVICES FOR MEMBERS section provides inspiration for types of projects that can be financed though the platform. 

For more information and potential gender equality projects, don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Anne Freese or Raphael C. G. Reule.