Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - High Dimensional Nonstationary Time Series

Crypto-Currencies in a Digital Economy


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Crypto-currencies in a digital economy

Update 15.12.2017: the presentation slides are now online. You have received your login information from the orginizing committee.


16. – 17. November 2017

Einstein Center Digital Future, TU Berlin 

Wilhelmstraße 67, 10117 Berlin Germany

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The conference aims to provide a platform for interdisciplinary discussion between researchers and practitioners from Germany and invited international experts in the following fields:

  • macro-economic consequences of the blockchain technology,
  • implementing decentralized monetary policy via a blockchain protocol,
  • high-frequency markets of altcoins,
  • chances for financial inclusion,
  • portfolio optimization with altcoins,
  • risk management with cryptos.


Registration: The registration is free but required. The deadline for registration is November 13, 2017. Inquiries can be sent by e-mail to Ms Alla Petukhina.


OrganizersWolfgang Karl Härdle, Michael Burda, Hermann Elendner, Stefan LessmannBjörn Scheuermann


We look forward to welcoming you in Berlin.


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