Dr. German Zenetti
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- Name
- Dr. German Zenetti
- german.zenetti (at) hu-berlin.de
Veröffentlichungen und Konferenzbeiträge
- Quantitative Messung der Wirkung von Marketing Instrumenten
- Berücksichtigung von Konsumentenheterogenität
- Verknüpfung von verschiedenen Datenquellen
- Zenetti, G. and Klapper D. (2015). Effects of Price Endings on Demand and Pricing. The 4th Berlin IO Day, Berlin, Germany, March 2014.
- Zenetti, G. and Klapper D. (2014). Price endings: An empirical investigation of effects on demand and pricing. 6. Tagung Handelsforschung, Trier, Germany, October 2014.
- Zenetti, G., Bijmolt, T., Klapper, D. and Leeflang, P. (2011). Not to Click Through: The Benefits of Search Engine Advertising - Combination of Old and New Media. 33rd Marketing Science Conference, Houston, USA, June 2011.
- Klapper, D. and Zenetti, G. (2011). The Impact of Intermediate Advertising Effects on Effectiveness and Profit. 3rd Workshop on Marketing Metrics, Risk and Performance Modeling, Berlin, Germany, May 2011.
- Klapper, D. and Zenetti, G. (2010). The Impact of Perceived Advertising Quality on Advertising Effectiveness. 4th German-French-Austrian Conference on Marketing, Vienna, Austria, September 2010.
- Zenetti, G. and Klapper, D. (2010). The Impact of Quantity and Perceived Quality of Different Advertising Media on Demand. 32nd Marketing Science Conference, Cologne, Germany, June 2010.
- Zenetti, G. and Klapper, D. (2016). Advertising Effects Under Consumer Heterogeneity - The Moderating Role of Brand Experience, Advertising Recall and Attitude. Journal of Retailing 2016, DOI: 10.2016/j.retai.2016.02.004.
- Elshiewy, O., Zenetti, G. and Boztug, Y. (2016). Differences between Classical and Bayesian Estimates for Mixed Logit Models - A Replication Study. Journal of Applied Econometrics, forthcoming.
- Zenetti, G., Bijmolt, T., Leeflang, P. and Klapper, D. (2014). Search Engine Advertising Effectiveness in a Multimedia Campaign. International Journal of Electronic Commerce. Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 7–38.
- Zenetti, G. and Otter, T. (2014). Bayesian estimation of the random coefficients logit from aggregate count data. Quantitative Marketing and Economics, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 43-84.
- Klapper, D. and Zenetti, G. (2012). Combining Micro and Macro Data to Study Retailer Pricing in the Presence of State Dependence. Quantitative Marketing and Marketing Management, Marketing Models and Methods in Theory and Practice, Eds.: Diamantopoulos, A., Fritz, W. and Hildebrandt, L.,Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler Verlag, 379 - 400.
- Mentorium in der Bachelorveranstaltung "Mikroökonomie I", Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
- Mentorium in der Bachelorveranstaltung "Basiskurs Mikroökonomie", Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
- Mentorium in der Bachelorveranstaltung "Marketing Engineering", Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
- Vorkurs zur Vorlesung der Bachelorveranstaltung "Mathematik für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler", Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
- Übung in der Bachelorveranstaltung "Marketing I", Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
- Übung in der Masterveranstaltung "Strategic Market Management", Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
- DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) Forschungsstipendium in Bereich "Economic Shocks".