Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - School of Business and Economics

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | School of Business and Economics | News | Archive | 2020 | Isabel Peltzer receives Humboldt Prize

Isabel Peltzer receives Humboldt Prize

Award for outstanding master thesis at our School

Isabel Peltzer receives this year's Humboldt Prize for her Master's thesis "Do we ignore that they judge us in context? - The Effect of Context on Beliefs", for which she was supervised by our School member Georg Weizsäcker. Isabel Peltzer completed her Master's studies in economics at our School in October 2019.

With the Humboldt Prize, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin honours outstanding academic work by students and young academics. Prizes are awarded for Bachelor's and Master's theses, as well as dissertations.