Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - School of Business and Economics

Prof. Dr. Daniel Klapper

Papers in peer reviewed journals



  Hartmann, W. and D. Klapper (2018). Super Bowl Ads. Marketing Science, Vol. 37, No. 1, 78-96.


  Guhl, D., Winkler von Mohrenfels, H., Abshagen, J. and Klapper, D. (2016). Measuring Marketing Success: Estimating the Effect of Social Media and TV Advertising on Brand Attention (Research Note). Marketing ZFP, Vol. 38, No. 1, 44-54.
  Zenetti, G. and Klapper, D. (2016). Advertising Effects Under Consumer Heterogeneity - The Moderating Role of Brand Experience, Advertising Recall and Attitude. Journal of Retailing, Vol. 92, No. 3, 352-372.
  Kostyra, D., Reiner, J., Natter, M. and Klapper, D. (2016). Decomposing the Effects of Online Customer Reviews on Brand, Price, and Product. International Journal of Research in Marketing, Special Issue: Branding in a Digitally Empowering World, Vol. 32, No. 1, 11-26.


  Kostyra, D.S. and Klapper, D. (2015). Signaling Teamwork: How Brand Prominence in Brand Alliance Communication Can Influence Customer Perception. Marketing ZFP, Vol. 37, No. 2, 69-78. Best Paper Award 2015.


  Winkler von Mohrenfels, H. and Klapper, D. (2014). Sharing in Social Networks: How Signaling Increases Product Appeal. conditionally accepted at Marketing ZFP.
  Zenetti, G., Bijmolt, T.H.A., Leeflang, P.S.H. and Klapper, D. (2013). Search Engine Advertising Effectiveness in a Multimedia Campaign. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Vol. 18, No. 3, 7-38.



Bonnet, C., Dubois, P., Villas-Boas, S. and Klapper D. (2013). Empirical Evidence on the Role of Non Linear Wholesale Pricing and Vertical Restraints on Cost Pass-Through. Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 95, No. 2, 500-515.

  Winkler von Mohrenfels, H., Faure, C. and Klapper, D. (2013). When Status Pulls You One Way and Another: A Dilemma for Sustainable Investments. Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 40 (forthcoming).



Klapper, D. & Oetzel, S. (2011). Optimal Pricing Strategy for Quantity Discount Promotions. Marketing ZFP, Vol. 33, 235-246.


Draganska, M. & Klapper, D. (2011). Choice Set Heterogeneity and the Role of Advertising: An Analysis with Micro and Macro Data. Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 48, August, 653-669.




Draganska, M., Klapper, D. & Villas-Boas, S. (2010). A Larger Slice or a Larger Pie? An Empirical Investigation of Bargaining Power in the Distribution Channel. Marketing Science, Vol. 29, 57-74.


Ebling, C., & Klapper, D. (2010). Modeling Whether, What and How Much to Buy the Right Way: How Important is the Selectivity Bias in Purchase Quantity Outcomes? Review of Managerial Science, Vol. 4, 171-199 (Lead Article).




Ebling, C. & Klapper, D. (2008). Bridging the Gap between ACA and CBC: The Relevance of Task and Context Effects for Choice Simulators. Marketing - Journal of Research and Management, Vol. 4, 88-100.




Günter, T.M. & Klapper, D. (2007). Do the Long-Run Category Demand Effects of Retailer Promotions Vary Across Different Store Types? Marketing - Journal of Research and Management, Vol. 3, 17-33.


Draganska, M. & Klapper, D. (2007). Retail Environment and Manufacturer Competitive Intensity. Journal of Retailing, Vol. 83, 183-198.




Klapper, D. & Doganoglu, T. (2006). Product Variety and Competitive Pricing in Consumer Goods Markets. Marketing - Journal of Research and Management, Vol. 2, 7-13 (Lead Article).


Doganoglu, T. & Klapper, D. (2006). Goodwill and Dynamic Advertising Strategies. Quantitative Marketing and Economics, Vol. 4, 5-59 (Lead Article).


Klapper, D., Schlichthorst, M. & Schnell, C (2006). Die Analyse langfristiger Werbewirkung. Eine Anwendung der Multigruppenanalyse am Beispiel der Werbeeinstellung bei FMCGs. Marketing ZFP, Jg. 28, 219 - 235.




Klapper, D. (2005). An Econometric Analysis of Product Variety Impact on Market Conduct in Consumer Goods Markets. OR Spectrum, Vol. 27, 583-601.


Klapper, D., Ebling, C. & Temme, Y. (2005). "Another Look at Loss Aversion in Brand Choice Data: Can We Characterize the Loss Averse Consumer.International Journal of Research in Marketing, Vol. 22, 239-254.




Klapper, D. (2003). Analysen zum Wettbewerbsverhalten auf Konsumgütermärkten mit dem Ansatz der New Empirical Industrial Organization-Forschung. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 73. Jg., 521-545.





Hildebrandt, L. & Klapper, D. (2001). The Analysis of Price Competition Between Corporate Brands. International Journal of Research in Marketing, Vol. 18, 139-159.




Klapper, D. & Herwartz, H. (2000). Forecasting Market Share Using Predicted Values of Competitive Behavior: Further Empirical Results.International Journal of Forecasting, Vol. 16, 399-421.


Klapper, D. (2000). Einflußgrößen von regulären Preiselastizitäten, Preisaktionselastizitäten und Kreuzpreiselastizitäten. OR Spectrum, Vol. 22, 135-157.




Hildebrandt, L. & Klapper, D. (1999). Möglichkeiten und Ansätze der Analyse dreimodaler Daten für die Marktforschung mit Komponentenanalysen.Marketing ZFP, Heft 4, 313-327.




Cooper, L.G., Klapper, D. & Inoue, A. (1996). Competitive-Component Analysis: A New Approach to Calibrating Asymmetric Market-Share Models.Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 33, May, 224-238.






Albers, S., Klapper, D., Konradt, U., Walter, A. & Wolf, J. (2009). "Methodik der empirischen Forschung", Wiesbaden: Gabler, 3. Auflage.


Papers in reviewed conference proceedings


  Winkler von Mohrenfels, H. and Klapper, D. (2012). The Influence of Mobile Product Information on Brand Perception and Willingness to Pay for Green and Sustainable Products. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS).


Papers in reviewed journals and chapters in books




Oetzel, S. & Klapper, D. (2013). Fallstudie: Segmentierung, Zielmarktbestimmung und Positionierung, Teil 2: Lösungenen. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, Heft 4, 218-220.


Oetzel, S. & Klapper, D. (2013). Fallstudie: Segmentierung, Zielmarktbestimmung und Positionierung, Teil 1: Aufgaben.Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, Heft 3, 166-169.




Klapper, D. & Zenetti, G. (2012). Combining Micro and Macro Data to Study Retailer Pricing in the Presence of State Dependence. In: Diamantopoulos, A., Fritz, W. and Hildebrandt, L. (Eds.), Quantitative Marketing and Marketing Management, Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler, 379-400.




Hildebrandt, L. & Klapper, D. (2002). Wettbewerbsanalyse. In: Albers, S. & Herrmann, A. (Hrsg.). Handbuch Produktmanagement, Wiesbaden: Gabler, 489-512.




Klapper, D. (2001). Dreimodale Faktorenanalyse. In: Diller, H. (Hrsg.). Vahlens Gr. Marketinglexikon, Verlag C.H Beck, München, Verlag Franz Vahlen, München 2001, 335-336. 




Hildebrandt, L. & Klapper, D. (1998). Wettbewerbsstrukturanalysen auf der Grundlagen von aggregierten Scannerdaten. In: Hippner, H., Meyer, M. & Wilde, K.D. (Hrsg.). Computer-Based Marketing - Das Handbuch zur Marketinginformatik, Braunschweig/Wiesbaden: Vieweg, 603-612.



Hildebrandt, L. and Klapper, D. (1994). The Analysis of Three-Way Three-Mode Data - A Program Based on GAUSS. In: Faulbaum, F. (Hrsg.). SoftStat ‘93, Advances in Statistical Software 4, Stuttgart: Gustav Fischer, 527-534.