Our Faculty
Berlin and Humboldt Universität zu Berlin have a lot to offer! The School of Business and Economics is located in the historic center of Berlin. It reflects a long academic tradition - in keeping with the Humboldtian educational ideal of unity between research and teaching. At the same time, it is characterized by zeitgeist and modernity. Berlin is an important European economic and political hub as well as a cosmopolitan city with a vibrant community of students and researchers. Students are drawn to Berlin for its relaxed lifestyle and high quality of life.
Our faculty stands for excellent academic education and a tolerant study and research environment. Students can choose from a variety of courses from eight degree programs and a comprehensive range of economics subjects. An exchange semester at "WiWi" is therefore a valuable complement to studies at the home university and enhances career prospects.
The faculty has a large international and intercultural community. Thanks to events organized throughout the semester, fellow students from home and abroad can get to know each other. The alumni network offers the opportunity to establish contacts with start-ups. In addition, the faculty is part of an extensive research and teaching network in Berlin, from which all students benefit!
And: Exchange students pay no tuition!
In the following video tutorial, our incoming team guides you through the admission process:
In the next video tutorial we will explain to you why our faculty stands out and what makes it attractive for prospective incoming exchange students: https://prezi.com/v/hkgw4zwhjhim/video-presentation-for-exchange-students-humboldt-universitat-zu-berlin-school-of-business-and-economics/