Supervision agreement
This website informs about the supervision agreement and the monitoring of compliance with its regulations.
For doctoral studies to be successful, a structured supervisory relationship, and especially, regular exchange with the supervisor is essential.
Content of the supervision agreement
At the beginning of the doctoral studies, the doctoral student and the supervisor conclude a supervision agreement covering, inter alia, the frequency of the regular meetings. In these meetings, which should be held at least once per semester, the doctoral student and the supervisor discuss the progress of the doctoral studies. Furthermore, the supervisor committs to comment orally or in writing on contributions provided by the doctoral student at the meeting.
- Template for a supervision agreement
(This template can be adapted entirely.)
Monitoring of compliance with regulations of the supervision agreement
Within structured doctoral degree programmes, the compliance with regulations of the supervision agreement is monitored by the programme itself.
For individual doctoral students of our School, the Graduate Centre offers annual consultations on the supervisory relationship. In these consultations, potential conflicts in the supervisory relationship and possible solutions can be discussed with the Graduate Centre's coordinator as independet interlocutor. If necessary, the conflict consultation offered by Humboldt Graduate School as well as our School's ombudspersons can assist in difficult cases.
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