Teaching https://www.wiwi.hu-berlin.de/en/Professorships/bwl/enim/lehre https://www.wiwi.hu-berlin.de/@@site-logo/og_logo.png Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | School of Business and Economics | Professorships | Business Administration | Entrepreneurial and Behavioral Decision Making | Teaching Teaching News Registration form for Master Seminar on Entrepreneurship and Innovation Theory - Summer Term 2025. Registration deadline: 31.03.2025. Registration form for Bachelor Seminar on Innovative Entrepreneurship - Summer Term 2025. Registration deadline: 31.03.25. Overview of courses per semester Information for: Bachelor Master MEMS Important Information: Application deadlines and information for Bachelor and Master Thesis Formvorschriften für wissenschaftliche Arbeiten (auf Deutsch, für Arbeiten auf Deutsch) Formal requirements for scientific papers at the Institute (in English, for papers in English) Information on how to search for literature Moodle-System for lecture materials, forums, and mailing lists. Recommendation letters: Prof. Schade only provides recommendation letters to students who have written a seminar paper or bachelor/master thesis at our institute.