Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - School of Business and Economics

Requirements for Bachelor students

Dear incoming exchange students,


We are glad that you are considering our Faculty for your exchange semester! The academic year is divided in two semesters and you can choose to spend one or two semesters at Humboldt within the same academic year. However, this very decision lies with your home institution.


You can only apply for a semester at Humboldt if there is a binding exchange agreement in place between our two institutions. We won't accept any students outside the framework of an exchange program.


We would like to draw your attention to the fact that teaching in our faculty is quantitatively based. Therefore, you should have strong skills in mathematics. We also recommend you to take crash courses in statistics, algebra, econometrics or advanced mathematics before the start of your exchange semester.


We will only accept students with a strong academic background in Business or Economics. Undergraduate students must have studied at least two semesters before they come to Berlin to start their exchange semester.


The teaching style at our faculty is largely research driven, hence applicants need to have an advanced knowledge of empirical research methods. Finally, you must also meet our language requirements, otherwise we will not be able to accept your application. German is the dominant teaching language at the undergraduate level and all Master courses are held in English.

In your own interest we recommend you to apply only for courses taught in a language you fully understand.


Language requirements for undergraduate students 🖉

German is the teaching language for undergraduate students who are studying towards a degree in Business Administration or Economics.

Therefore, we require a proof of German proficiency at the B2 level according to the European Common Framework for Languages. We ask you to provide proof of proficiency by the time of your application (May is the deadline for the Fall Semester and November for the Spring Semester).

You may choose one of the following certificates:

  • Zentrale Oberstufenprüfung (ZOB)
  • kleines deutsches Sprachdiplom (KDS)
  • Großes deutsches Sprachdiplom (GDS)
  • Deutsches Sprachdiplom (DSD II)
  • Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang – DSH
  • Deutsch als Fremdsprache - TestDaF

Alternatively, you can also take an assessment test for German via the website of the language center at Humboldt. The test (“C-Test”) is free of charge; however, you can only do it once. You need to score 61 out of 100 points. After you have completed the test, please save your score (download and/or screenshot).

I have scored between 50-60 points; will you make an exception?🖉

We will grant you a conditional approval if you register for the intensive German class, which takes place before the start of the lecture period. The language center at Humboldt organizes the class every Semester. We will then ask you to provide proof of enrollment for the class.

I have no knowledge of German 🖉

We will still consider your application if you can demonstrate full English proficiency at the C1 level according to the European Common Framework for Languages. Be aware that there is only a fraction of modules taught in English at the Bachelor level, therefore the pool of courses you can choose from is limited. We encourage you to browse through our course catalogue and look up for suitable courses in English before you submit your application for an exchange semester. Please don´t hesitate to contact the incoming team at our faculty if you need help with your search.

Can I take Master courses as an undergraduate student? 🖉

Generally, undergraduate students are not eligible to pursue master's degree programs with our faculty. However, since international exchange students have different academic backgrounds, the course coordinators can allow exceptions. You should ask the course coordinators of the Master courses you wish to take for approval. The exchange coordinator at your home institution and at Humboldt must also agree to it. Please understand that it is a tedious and time-consuming procedure for you. In addition, you may face rejection so you cannot take it for granted.

Can I take courses at other faculties at Humboldt? 🖉

Yes, you can. You are free to take one or two courses at other faculties on the condition that you do at least 50% of your study load at the School of Business and Economics. In addition, for each course you should seek approval from the respective course and exchange coordinators. Please mind the linguistic and academic requirements for each class. We also strongly advise you to search for alternative courses in case you face rejection.

Important: four inter-disciplinary and inter-faculty departments do not fall under the scope of this regulation: the Welcome Centre, the Language Center, the Career Center and the International Campus (HIC). You are free to register for as many courses as you want or can for any of those four departments.