Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - School of Business and Economics

News at the School


Transregio will be funded for four more years

Nachricht vom Nov 25, 2024

DFG approves third funding period for the CRC/Transregio 190 "Rationality and Competition" ►►►

Research Prize of the School awarded to Roland Strausz

Nachricht vom Oct 16, 2024

Prize for excellent publication of the last year ►►►

Simone Euler and Joachim Gassen receive award from the American Accounting Association (AAA)

Nachricht vom Jun 18, 2024

Simone Euler and Joachim Gassen, together with an international team, have written a study on the question of how information about the carbon footprint influences consumer behavior. ►►►

Top position in the Wirtschaftswoche ranking

Nachricht vom Jun 25, 2024

School achieves 2nd place ►►►


Christian Dustmann receives Reimar Lüst Award 2023

Nachricht vom Dec 20, 2023

Research award for international scholarly and cultural exchange is granted jointly by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the Fritz Thyssen Foundation ►►►

Sulin Sardoschau receives 2023 EEA Award for Exceptional Teaching Junior

Nachricht vom Sep 19, 2023

Award of the European Economic Association ►►►

Research Prize of the School awarded to Jonas Radbruch

Nachricht vom Jul 17, 2023

Prize for excellent publication of the last year ►►►

Interdisciplinary Center for Digitality and Digital Methods launched at Campus Mitte

Nachricht vom Jul 12, 2023

Participation of the School members Sonja Greven and Nikolaus Wolf ►►►

DFG prolongs funding for TRR 266 "Accounting for Transparency"

Nachricht vom May 24, 2023

Transparency as an answer to current societal challenges? ►►►

Roland Strausz receives ERC Advanced Grant

Nachricht vom Mar 31, 2023

Successful application for third-party funds of 1.8 million Euros ►►►


DFG funds AI Research Unit

Nachricht vom Jul 03, 2022

Joint project of HU, University of Potsdam and Charité, among others ►►►

Felix Kersting wins the Gino Luzzatto Prize 2019-2021

Nachricht vom Jun 21, 2022

Postdoc at the Institute of Economic History receives prize for best dissertation ►►►

Award for Excellence in Teaching 2022

Nachricht vom Jun 16, 2022

Award for highly evaluated courses ►►►

Research Prize of the School awarded to Joachim Gassen

Nachricht vom Jun 03, 2022

Prize for excellent publication of the last year ►►►


Teaching Prize of the School was awarded

Nachricht vom May 27, 2021

Award for highly evaluated courses ►►►

Research Prize of the School awarded to Max Bruche

Nachricht vom Apr 21, 2021

Prize for excellent publication of the last year ►►►

Thilo Albers receives T.S. Ashton Prize

Nachricht vom Apr 14, 2021

Award of the Economic History Society ►►►


Transregio will be funded for four more years

Nachricht vom Nov 27, 2020

DFG approves second funding period for the SFB/Transregio 190 "Rationality and Competition" ►►►

Isabel Peltzer receives Humboldt Prize

Nachricht vom Nov 13, 2020

Award for outstanding master thesis at our School ►►►

Hanne Böckem appointed honorary professor

Nachricht vom Sep 21, 2020

Excellent expert for accounting and auditing joins our faculty ►►►

Excellent publication record of our School's graduates

Nachricht vom Aug 28, 2020

Rank 2 in Germany and rank 30 worldwide ►►►

Sonja Greven will hold the Gumbel Lecture 2020

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Lecture series of the German Statistical Society (Deutsche Statistische Gesellschaft) ►►►

Nadja Klein is member of Die Junge Akademie

Nachricht vom Jul 10, 2020

Accolade for excellent young academics ►►►

Research Prize of the School awarded to Yangwei Song

Nachricht vom May 26, 2020

Prize for excellent publication of the last year ►►►

Berlin School of Economics is "Einstein Doctoral Programme"

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Award of the Einstein Foundation Berlin ►►►

Bernd Fitzenberger receives German Prize for Economics

Nachricht vom Jan 20, 2020

Award from the Joachim Herz Stiftung to labour economist ►►►


Wolf-Fabian Hungerland receives Gerhard Fürst Prize 2019

Nachricht vom Nov 15, 2019

Award of the Federal Statistical Office for outstanding dissertation ►►►

Hannah Liepmann receives Humboldt Prize

Nachricht vom Oct 08, 2019

Award for outstanding dissertation prepared at our School ►►►

Thilo Albers was awarded the Gino Luzzatto Prize 2017-2019

Nachricht vom Sep 04, 2019

Postdoc at the Institute of Economic History was awarded for the best dissertation ►►►

Sonja Greven granted the Princess Therese of Bavaria Award 2019

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Professor of Statistics is honoured for her outstanding scientific achievements together with five other female natural scientists ►►►

12 million Euros for research on firm transparency

Nachricht vom May 23, 2019

New Collaborative Research Centre involving our School members Joachim Gassen, Ulf Brüggemann, Ralf Maiterth and Anja Schöttner ►►►

Nadja Klein receives funding from DFG’s Emmy Noether Programme

Nachricht vom May 17, 2019

Third Emmy Noether Group in economics since the launch of the funding programme ►►►

Joachim Gassen appointed as Distinguished Affiliate Professor at ESMT Berlin

Nachricht vom May 09, 2019

Strengthening of the various collaborations between the School and ESMT Berlin ►►►

Joachim Schwalbach receives honorary doctorate at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"

Nachricht vom May 09, 2019

Honour for scientific achievements and long-standing commitment for DAAD-funded, scientific collaborations ►►►

Research Prize of the School awarded to Ulf Brüggemann and Daniel Klapper

Nachricht vom Apr 27, 2019

Faculty members receive the Prize for their excellent publications of the last year. ►►►


Bertil Tungodden becomes Einstein Visiting Fellow

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Einstein Foundation has agreed to a funding proposal by Georg Weizsäcker. ►►►

Roland Strausz and Fabio Antoniou received the EAERE Award for Outstanding Publication in the Journal Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE)

Nachricht vom May 09, 2019

Roland Strausz and Fabio Antoniou have been awarded with the EAERE Award 2018 for Outstanding Publication in the Journal Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) for their publication on Feed-in Subsidies, Taxation, and Inefficient Entry. ►►►

Frisch Medal of the Econometric Society is awarded to Nikolaus Wolf

Nachricht vom Aug 08, 2017

The Frisch Medal of the Econometric Society is awarded to Nikolaus Wolf together with Gabriel Ahlfeldt (London), Stephen Redding (Princeton) and Daniel Sturm (London). ►►►

DFG Funding Atlas 2018

Nachricht vom Jul 05, 2018

Our School is ranked second by DFG. ►►►