Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - School of Business and Economics


Dear prospective students,

We appreciate your interest in our Master's program in Information Systems! We would like to shortly inform you in advance about our admission requirements:


Foreign applicants apply through Uni-ASSIST ( even when you are already in Germany.

Exception: Applicants who have previously completed a degree program at HU apply online at

To be sure, whether you need to apply through Uni-Assist, please read the following information of the International Admission Office:


The form of the documents to be submitted (simple or certified copies) can be found in the information provided during the online application. You can find the online application portal on the HU homepage.


Attention: Application periods can be found here!


Required documents to be submitted:

  • Proof of completed graduate or undergraduate degree (or equivalent degree) in Information Systems, Industrial Engineering, Computer Science (ideally with an economics minor), economics (ideally with a minor in Computer Science) or a related discipline.
    • Applications without a bachelor's degree:

      If you are in the final phase of your bachelor’s degree programme, under certain conditions you can still begin your master’s course while your degree is pending

      (for more information here)


  • The following subject-specific qualifications of at least 30 ECTS are required:
    • at least 15 ECTS in methodological skills (Mathematics, Statistics, Econometrics, Operations Research)

    • at least 9 ECTS in practical informatics (e.g. Algorithms and Data Structures, Operating Systems, Data Bases, Modelling, Digital Systems)

    • basic knowledge in programming (programming languages like C, C++, Java, Python are welcome but not: R, Stata, SPSS, Javascript, HTML) of at least 6 ECTS.

Please, if possible mark the courses on your grade transcript to allow us a better evaluation of all your methodological courses.


  • Required language certificates (unlimited validity, even if the certificates state that they are only valid for 2 years):
    • German: Please, note that applicants from foreign countries are required to provide further certificates of German language of at least level B1 of the Common European Reference Framework.
    • English (level C1) and more information about admission rules:

Fachspezifische Zugangs- und Zulassungssatzung zur ZSP-HU (Master course/M.Sc. Information Systems/Detailed subject-specific admission and approval rules for the Master's program in Information Systems are published here)

ZSP is only in German, information about proof of English language please find here.


Students at the Humboldt University of Berlin can fulfill the requirements to apply for the Master in Information Systems via completing the following modules:

  • 6 ECTS in programming taking the module “Grundlagen der Programmierung” (6 ECTS) offered by the Chair of Information Systems
  • 9 ECTS in practical computer science by taking the courses “Introduction to Python Programming for Machine Learning and AI” (6 ECTS) offered by our chair and “Strategie, Organisation und IT” (3 ECTS). Latter will be jointly held by Prof. Anja Schöttner (Management) and Prof. Lessmann as of SS 2017.


For a good preparation for our Master of Information Systems, we recommend to attend courses at the Faculty of Computer Science in terms of the “überfachlicher Wahlpflichtbereich" (üWP). Hereby, the following modules are eligible (please make sure that these courses are actually offered by yourself):

- B1 Grundlagen der Programmierung (12 LP)

- C2-ÜWP Digitale Systeme ohne Programmierprojekt (8 LP)

- B3 Software Engineering (8 LP)

- A1 Einführung in die Theoretische Informatik (9 LP)

- C2 Digitale Systeme (10 LP)

Here is an overview including examination rules for the Bachelor in Computer Science at HU (only in German):



Detailed information about the application can be found here:




Attention, her are some important NEWS:


Selection criteria in the selection process of the HU (degree of qualification of the previous degree, BA final grade) at 90 %


qualifications acquired outside the university degree: Practical professional experience in the commercial/business/economic area of at least 1800 hours within the last 3 years at 10 %


More information is also available on the following page (only in German):

Fachspezifische Zugangs- und Zulassungssatzung zur ZSP-HU

As the ZSP is available only in German here are a few information of its content concerning criteria of practical professional experience:


Internships or practical work experience can only be recognized if it did not take place during the course of your degree (whether at HU or elsewhere) and if it was not taken into account in the degree. Thus, if an internship appears in a transcript of records, it is not eligible.

For instance, if the internship took place between the bachelor's degree and master's application and if it is long enough, the criterion is met. Several completed internships are of course added up.

Please ensure to check whether the internship was completed outside of the study period. An internship that has taken place completely or even just partly during your studies can only be taken into account if it was not a part of your studies. A "practical semester", as can be found at universities of applied sciences / universities of applied sciences or in dual studies is part of the course and the criterion would therefore not be met. The transcript of records provides the relevant information, which is used to check the plausibility of the internship certificate(s) for whether or not the internship(s) can meet the criterion.

As proof:

Informal certificates from the employer, certificates of vocational training or proof of the internship or other suitable documents from the supervising institution must be submitted,
from which the relevant information, in particular with regard to the time scope of the job or internship, in other words, the duration of your tasks in hours are clearly identifiable.

A (formal) work certificate is not sufficient, as it does not show the complete number of hours.

Regarding periods of professionally relevant self-employed activities: this can be confirmed by submitting all documents that prove the orientation and scope of the self-employed activity.
These are, in particular, business registrations, invoices issued and documents created in the context of tax declarations.

That means: If the number of hours is not evident, the activity cannot improve your ranking.


We are looking forward to your applications!